Presumption of innocence and journalistic ethics: the ‘Aitana case’




journalistic ethics, news, presumption of innocence, media, Spain


On 26 November 2009, a 3–year old girl, Aitana, died in Arona, Tenerife. The cause of her death according to the medical report pointed towards the existence of various polytraumas caused by physical abuse, together with vaginal and anal injuries. Diego Pastrana, the mother’s partner, was arrested. He told the Guardia Civil officers that the injuries were the result of an accident in a children’s playground a few days before. An official press release announced that he had had been charged. Simultaneous trials –the real trial and the trial by media– began immediately. As Diego appeared in handcuffs, journalists en masse clamoured to deplore the events and condemn the accused. The public authorities of the Canary Islands also added their own high-sounding declarations of disgust. Four days later, the autopsy ruled out the presumed –and erroneous– cause of death. Diego, who suffers from depression, was admitted to hospital. He left the Canary Islands some days later. Some members of the media, the minority, turned the microscope on their own behaviour; a few journalists apologised. That was about the extent of it. The law and journalistic ethics agree in their view of how news coverage of this type of story must be approached. Yet the ease with which a reporter can distort reality is a serious cause for concern. This case–study in Spanish newspapers will thus enable us to identify potential and probable failures in news reporting from multiple perspectives: improper use of journalistic categories (news, opinion and interpretation), insufficient checking of news sources, imprecise style, tone and sensationalist headings, flaws in structuring the message and inadequate used of images.


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Author Biographies

Carlos Maciá-Barber, Carlos III University

Professor of Journalism (2003). BA in Information Sciences from the Complutense University of Madrid (1996) and PhD in Journalism from the San Pablo−CEU University (2001), where he received a research grant in the Department of Journalism with a groundbreaking thesis in Spain on the figure of the ombudsman in the press, which was awarded the Prize for the Best Doctoral Thesis of the Faculty of the Humanities and Communication Sciences (2000−2002).

His areas of research focus on the analysis of the informative, journalistic and interpretive genres in the press (news story, reportage, chronicle and interview), journalistic ethics and the phenomenon of “public journalism”.

Lead researcher in the projects under the auspices of the national research and development plan (Plan Nacional I+D+I) “Deontología y excelencia informativa: implantación y consolidación de prácticas éticas en la empresa periodística” (CSO2010-15575/COMU) (2011-2013) and “Ethics and excellence in news journalism. Journalistic ethics from the point of view of the public’s expectations in Madrid” (SEJ2006-05631-C05-03/SOCI) (2006 to 2010), funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation. Assessor of ANEP, the Spain’s research assessment body (for Social Sciences).

Professor of postgraduate courses at Spain’s national distance learning university UNED (2005, 2006) and on the Erasmus programme at the Portuguese universities of Beira Interior (2009), Polytechnic Institute of Leiria (2010) and Minho (2011). He has written more than forty papers and presentations for academic conferences.

He worked as a journalist in the press office of the Sociedad Estatal Lisboa’98, a national foundation with a cultural remit, and the Spanish daily newspaper El Mundo. He has belonged to the Spanish Society of Journalists (Sociedad Española de Periodística) since 2002.

Most recent publications:

  • El reportaje de prensa. Análisisdel propósito y los recursos del género periodístico en suplementos de diarios de información general españoles. Madrid, Universitas, 2007.
  • La figura del Defensor del Lector, del Oyente y del Telespectador. Los paladines contra el periodismo descaminadoMadrid, Universitas, 2006.
  • “La deontología periodística: praxis, disfunciones y retos desde la perspectiva de los profesionales de la comunicación en la Comunidad de Madrid (2006−2009)”, Comunicación y Sociedad, no. 1, vol. XXIII, 2010, pp. 77−104. (co-authored with Susana Herrera)
  • “La depauperación del reportaje en las redacciones se bosqueja en el aula universitaria. Estudio de campo de las deficiencias relevantes (2002–2008)”, Estudios sobre el Mensaje Periodístico, no. 14, October, 2008, pp. 483–495.
  • “Todos no somos ya periodistas. Un análisis de la utopía del periodismo ciudadano desde la perspectiva del reportaje interpretativo”, Estudios sobre el Mensaje Periodístico, no. 13, October, 2007, pp. 123–144.
  • “Un modelo de Defensor del Lector, del Oyente y del Telespectador para el perfeccionamiento del ejercicio del periodismo en España”, Comunicación y Sociedad, no. 1, vol. XIX, June, 2006, pp. 47–66.

María-Ángeles Galván-Arias, San Pablo-CEU University

PhD student in journalism. BA in Information Sciences (Journalism), Complutense University of Madrid. Research grant and teaching at the Department of Journalism of the Faculty of the Humanities and Communication Sciences of the San Pablo−CEU University. Has taught at the Faculty of Journalism of the Francisco University of Vitoria.

Her line of research focuses in the field of news and political communication in relation to childhood and youth, the analysis of photo journalism and journalistic ethics.Most recent publications:

  • “Deontología periodística en la fotografía de prensa: el tratamiento de la imagen de los menores de edad”, en El derecho a la información judicial. Valencia, Fundación Coso de la Comunidad Valenciana para el Desarrollo de la Comunicación y la Sociedad, 2008, pp. 287–303.
  • “Comunicación política y empleo de la imagen de menores en prensa: perspectiva legal y deontológica”. Actas del XII Foro Universitario de Investigación en Comunicación. Noviembre de 2010. Fundación General de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid [to be published].


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How to Cite

Maciá-Barber, C., & Galván-Arias, M.- Ángeles. (2012). Presumption of innocence and journalistic ethics: the ‘Aitana case’. Revista Latina de Comunicación Social, (67), 362–393.


