Adaptation of official education and continuing professional development in the field of Communication




Education, professional profiles, research, university, commercial sector


One of the least studied aspects of the education of communicators is the complementarity between the official vocational and university studies and the private, continuous training developed in the commercial sector. Simultaneously, the functions and responsibilities of communication professionals increase without the adequate training. These shortcomings, which are the result of the inadequacy of the educational programmes of the traditional education system to the new labour market, has forced companies to respond, not always correctly, to the changes in the productive system and the classification of job positions. By way of conclusion and based on the results of a case study, this article offers a set of proposals to face the new occupational typologies that reflect profound transformations in the functions and tasks developed in the field of communication studies, research and work.


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Author Biographies

Hipólito Vivar-Zurita, Complutense University of Madrid

Hipólito Vivar-Zurita has worked as University Professor since 2007 and has been professor of audiovisual media technology since 1992. He has taught doctoral courses at the universities of the Basque Country, the Balearic Islands, Seville, Malaga, Segovia, Zaragoza, Santiago de Compostela, Granada, La Coruña, the Menéndez Pelayo International University, the Atlantic International University, the Polytechnic University of Madrid, the Autonomous University of Barcelona, and the Complutense University of Madrid.

At the international level, he has taught at the University of Belgrano (Buenos Aires, Argentina) and the University of Westminster (London, United Kingdom). He has been visiting professor at the Real Colegio Complutense at Harvard University (Cambridge, Massachusetts) and the School of Communication and Media Studies (ESCS) of the Polytechnic Institute of Lisbon.

Director and main researcher at the Training in New Audiovisual Technologies (FONTA) research group of the Complutense University of Madrid (UCM), from 2004 to the present. Director of the UCM’s B.A. programme in Interactive Digital Technologies, and the Official Postgraduate Master Programme of the UCM, from 1995 to the present.

Evaluator for the National Evaluation and Foresight Agency (ANEP in Spanish), of the Spanish Ministry of Science and Technology, from 2004 to the present, and MEDIA PLUS (European Union) from 2000 to 2003.

Lines of research: 1) Digital convergence in the audiovisual media; 2) analysis, architecture and training in integrated digital multimedia systems; 3) architecture of digital film lab systems; 4) service technologies in the information society; and 5) education and training of human capital in the knowledge society.

Important research projects:

  1. 2009: Estudio sobre nuevos contenidos atendiendo a las posibilidades de interactividad y distribución de contenidos: propuesta de formatos y necesidades formativas específicas para la adaptación al nuevo escenario digital (Study of new content in light of the new possibilities of interactivity and content distribution: proposal for formats and specific training needs for the adaptation to the new digital scenario).
  2. 2008: La TDT como motor de desarrollo de la Sociedad de la Información (TDT as a driver of development of the Information Society)
  3. 2007: Formación y capacitación de los comunicadores en la era de la convergencia digital de los medios (Training and capacity-building of communicators in the era of the digital convergence of the media).
  4. 2006: Análisis y descripción de puestos de trabajo en un canal de televisión digital: competencias del comunicador digital (Analysis and description of job positions at a digital television channel: competences of the digital communicator).
  5. 2005: Estudio prospectivo de la Televisión Digital Terrestre en la Comunidad de Madrid ante el apagón analógico (Prospective study of DTT in the Community of Madrid in the wake of the analogue shutdown).
  6. 2005: Prospectiva del cambio tecnológico en los centros de producción audiovisual españoles como consecuencia del apagón analógico (Prospects for technological change in Spanish audiovisual production centres as a result of the analogue shutdown).

Professional experience:

  1. Specialist advisor in training in new audiovisual and multimedia technologies in the study programme for the Bachelor’s degree in Audiovisual and Multimedia of the School of Communication and Media Studies (ESCS), and the technical programmes in Audiovisual Communication of the Centro de Estudios del Vídeo (Centre of Video Studies).
  2. Technical advisor in the creation and animation of images in companies such as Control-Data & Alias, Softimage and Silicon Graphics.
  3. Technical advisor in the teaching of official studies through the Internet at the CNICE (National Centre for Educative Information and Communication), dependent of the Spanish Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports.

Member of the main national and international organisations related to his area: SIGGRAPH, IMAGINA, ART FUTURA, MEDIARAMA, MIMAD and AITE.

Author and director of a series of consultancy works in new technologies conducted for private enterprises.

Author of many articles and books, including:

  1. Nuevos Medios Digitales y  Comunicación Audiovisual [New digital media and Audiovisual Communication], Editorial Fragua.
  2. Cien años de televisión y cincuenta de Televisión Española [One hundred years of television and fifty years of Spanish Televisión], (Ed.), Felipe II Libros.
  3. Un modelo sostenible para la televisión digital terrestre local [A sustainable model for local digital terrestrial television], (Ed.), Felipe II Libros.
  4. Formación para la sociedad de la información [Training for the information society]
  5. ART FUTURA: Ocio digital [ART FUTURA: Digital Entertainment], Hobby Press,
  6. Comunicación Audiovisual y Multimedia [Audiovisual Communication and Multimedia],
  7. La enseñanza universitaria de las Nuevas Tecnologías [University Teaching of New Technologies].

Author of more than twelve electronic books on new technologies, published in CD-ROM, and the ‘Guía de la Universidad Complutense [Guide of the Complutense University]’.

He also participates in the following publications:

  • La pluridisciplinariedad en la Tecnología de los Medios Audiovisuales [Multidisciplinarity in the Technology of the Audiovisual Media), coordinated by Emilio C. García-Fernández.
  • Comunicación y cultura en la sociedad del conocimiento [Communication and culture in the knowledge society] edited by Juan Benavides-Delgado, David Alameda-García and Nuria Villagra-García.
  • Comunicar en el siglo XXI:“Análisis comparativo entre normas, sistemas y formatos [Communicating in the 21st Century: Comparative Analysis of Norms, Systems and Formats], edited by Xosé López-García and Xosé Soengas-Pérez.

Alberto García-García, Complutense University of Madrid

Alberto García-García holds a Ph.D. degree from the Complutense University of Madrid (UCM). He is an associate professor at the UCM’s School of Information Sciences, where he teaches “technology of the audiovisual media”.

He taught in the Bachelor’s degree in Audiovisual Communication of the Antonio de Lebrija University, and in the UCM’s Master’s degrees in Audiovisual Production (at the School of Information Sciences) and Management of Health Services and Companies (at the School of Political Science and Sociology).

He was coordinator of the Official Masters’ degrees in Audiovisual Communication and Journalism of the Antonio de Lebrija University (2006-2007). He is the current Academic Secretary of the Department of Audiovisual Communication and Advertising 1 of the UCM’s School Information Sciences.

He is a specialist in audiovisual technology and his main lines of research are: 1) interactivity, 2) virtual reality, 3) DTT, 4) training of audiovisual media professionals, and 5) postproduction.

His main research projects include:

  1. 2009: Estudio sobre nuevos contenidos atendiendo a las posibilidades de interactividad y distribución de contenidos: propuesta de formatos y necesidades formativas específicas para la adaptación al nuevo escenario digital (Study of new content in light of the new possibilities of interactivity and content distribution: proposal for formats and specific training needs for the adaptation to the new digital scenario).
  2. 2008: La TDT as motor of development of the information society (TDT as a driver of development of the Information Society),
  3. 2007: Formación y capacitación de los comunicadores en la era de la convergencia digital de los medios (Training and capacity-building of communicators in the era of the digital convergence of the media).
  4. 2006: Análisis y descripción de puestos de trabajo en un canal de televisión digital: competencias del comunicador digital (Analysis and description of job positions at a digital television channel: competences of the digital communicator).
  5. 2005: Estudio prospectivo de la Televisión Digital Terrestre en la Comunidad de Madrid ante el apagón analógico (Prospective study of DTT in the Community of Madrid in the wake of the analogue shutdown).

He is the author of the books:

  1. La implantación técnica de la televisión digital terrestre en España. Modelos Europeos [Technical implementation of DTT in Spain. European Models]. Publisher: Jean Monnet European Studies Centre.
  2. La realidad virtual [Virtual reality]. Publisher: Servicio de publicaciones UCM

Other publications include:

  1. La formación de los comunicadores en la era digital (The training of communicators in the digital era), which was co-authored with Hipólito Vivar, Jorge Clemente and Ramón Galiano) in the book: Comunicación alternativa, Ciudadanía y Cultura (Alternative communication, Citizenship and Culture), published by OEDIPUS.
  2. Crear interactividad en la televisión digital (Creating interactivity in the digital television) in the Book of Proceedings of the IV International Congress of Cyber-journalism, published by FIEC.

He has been reviewer of scientific documents for the European Communication Research and Education Association –ECREA-, (Digital Culture & Communication section) for the 2nd European Communication Research and Education Association. Barcelona 2008.

He is member of ECREA, the International Communication Association (ICA) and the Spanish Association of Communication Research (AE-IC), and member of the Editorial Board of the inter-university journal Review of Communication Sciences (IRCOS), since November 2008.

He has combined his teaching and research activities with his work as post-production operator in Telemadrid, from 1992 until 2006.


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How to Cite

Vivar-Zurita, H., & García-García, A. . (2012). Adaptation of official education and continuing professional development in the field of Communication. Revista Latina De Comunicación Social, (67), 347–361.


