Nationalism and ideology in the Basque press during the Falklands War


  • Jesús Canga Larequi University of the País Vasco



Basque Press, nationalism, ideology, manipulation of information


This research article presents the results of the classification and analysis of the news items and subjective information (opinion articles and editorials) published by five of the most important newspapers in the Basque Autonomous Community about the war between Great Britain and Argentina over the sovereignty of the Falkland Islands, during the 68 days that this conflict lasted. The study is based on the analysis of 309 issues published from 3 April to 22 June, 1982, which provided a total of 799 pages.


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Author Biography

Jesús Canga Larequi, University of the País Vasco

Jesus Canga-Larequi (Baracaldo, 1954) holds B.A. and Ph.D. degrees In Information Sciences from the Autonomous University of Barcelona (1979) and the University of the Basque Country (1987), respectively. He is professor of journalism (1995) in the University of the Basque Country (hence, UBC), where he has taught since 1984. He also teaches in the M.A. programme in Journalism of El Correo/UBC, since its inception in 1988.

His specialisation within journalism is new technologies and journalistic design. Author of numerous books on these subjects, including: La Prensa y las Nuevas Tecnologías (The media and the new technologies) (Bilbao: Editorial Deusto, 1988); El Diseño Periodístico en Prensa Diaria (The journalistic design in the daily press) (Barcelona: Editorial Bosch, 1994); La Prensa ante el Cambio de Siglo (The press and the new century) (Bilbao: Editorial Deusto, 1988); and Los Medios de Comunicación en el País Vasco (The media in the Basque Country) (Bilbao: University of the Basque Country, 1993).

In recent years his research activity has focused on the so-called 'new media'. The most important result of this research is the book Diarios Digitales. Apuntes sobre un Nuevo Medio (Online Newspapers. Notes on a new medium) (Bilbao: University of the Basque Country, 1999).

He has also published articles in major academic journals in the field of journalism, such as the Revista Latina de Comunicación SocialEstudios sobre el Mensaje PeriodísticoZerTelos, and Sala de Prensa among others. He has also been published by commercial journals like WAN-IFRA, the World Association of Newspapers and News Publishers.

In this regard, his most relevant articles are:

- “Terrorismo y política dominan las portadas de la prensa vasca” (Terrorism and politics dominate the front pages of the Basque press). Revista Latina de Comunicación Social, 2010.

- “Periodismo en la Red. Diseño periodístico y ediciones digitales” (Journalism on the Web. Journalistic design and digital editions). Telos, 2005.

- “El diseño en las ediciones online. Técnicas de prensa” (Design in online editions. Press techniques). IFRA, 2002.

- “Periodismo e Internet: Nuevo medio, vieja profesión” (Journalism and the Internet: New medium, old profession). Estudios del Mensaje Periodístico, 2001.

- “Un nuevo medio para un nuevo siglo” (A new medium for a new century). Revista de Prensa, 2000.

- “¿Quién teme al periódico digital?” (Who is afraid of the digital newspaper?). Revista Latina de Comunicación Social, 1999.

- “Del umbral al portal” (The threshold to the portal). Zer, 1999.

- “La digitalización de imágenes monocromas en Prensa” (The digitalization of monochrome images in the press). Telos, 1989.

He has also presented many papers in national and international conferences and seminars. He has lectured in doctoral courses at several universities and has directed and participated in summer courses related journalism.

In the commercial field, he was editor at several newspapers from Bilbao, like La Gaceta del NorteHoja del Lunes and Tribuna Vasca. He is the founder and former director of AKTA (1986-1987), the municipal newspaper of Bilbao.

His academic positions include: director of the Department of Journalism II on two occasions (1991-1994 and 2001-2004); director of the M.A. programme in Journalism of the El Correo/University of the Basque Country (1995-1998, 2004-2007 and 2010-present); member of the senate of the University of the Basque Country (2004/08); member of the committees for the syllabuses of the B.A. programmes in Journalism and Audiovisual Communication; and member of the committee of the journal Zer.

In the field of research, he has participated in several funded projects, all about subjects related to journalism. He was the director of several research projects, including one funded by the UPV/EHU (1997) and another one by the Spanish Ministry of Education and Science (1998), about the development of the online versions of regional and national newspapers. He also participated in an interdepartmental project funded by the Council of Culture of the Basque Government: Análisis del Tratamiento de la Información referente a la C.A.V. en los informativos de ETB2 y TVE1 (Analysis of the treatment of the Autonomous Basque Community on news programmes of ETB2 and TVE1). His latest project, funded by the UPV/EHU, focuses on the content of the front page of the Basque newspapers.

Other merits:
Winner of the 2011 Álvaro Pérez-Ugena Award to Scientific Dissemination in Communication, for the article Periodismo e Internet: Nuevo medio, vieja profesión (Journalism and the Internet: new medium, old profession), which is the most cited article in the journal Estudios del Mensaje Periodístico. This award is granted by the University of La Laguna (Tenerife), the Rey Juan Carlos University (Madrid), the Revista Latina de Comunicación and the Sociedad Latina de Comunicación Social.


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How to Cite

Canga Larequi, J. (2012). Nationalism and ideology in the Basque press during the Falklands War. Revista Latina De Comunicación Social, (67), 271–291.


