Cinema, Fascism and Propaganda. A historic approximation to the Portuguese Estado Novo




cinema, fascism, propaganda, dictatorship, Salazar, Portugal


The portuguese dictatorship of António de Oliveira Salazar used the cinema like an efficient propaganda instrument to consolidate the Estado Novo regime in the thirties. The Propaganda National Department and other estructures for the public communication control, played a important role to persuade portuguese society and divulge internationally a salazarism positive image. During the zpanish civil war, the Portuguese cinematographic propaganda intensified its campaign against communism and in favour of the Iberian fascism.


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Author Biography

Alberto Pena Rodríguez, Vigo University

Alberto Pena-Rodríguez holds a Ph.D. from the Complutense University of Madrid and is a full professor of Techniques of Political Propaganda and History of Propaganda at the School of Social and Communication Sciences of the University of Vigo.

He integrally and transversally researches the phenomenon of political propaganda, (its media platforms, techniques and instrumental resources), but his preferred research line is the Portuguese propaganda and the propaganda campaigns in the Iberian context.

His recent publications include O Que Parece É, Salazar, Franco e a Propaganda Contra a Espanha Democrática (Lisboa, 2009) and Salazar, a Imprensa e a Guerra Civil de Espanha (Coimbra, 2007).

He is a former President of the Spanish Association of Communication Historians and has directed the communication research group (CA1) of the University of Vigo since 1998.


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How to Cite

Pena Rodríguez, A. (2012). Cinema, Fascism and Propaganda. A historic approximation to the Portuguese Estado Novo. Revista Latina de Comunicación Social, (67), 207–228.


