Trends in social and interpersonal relations of the digital natives and young people in Web 2.0




Relationships, Web 2.0, Net, Digital Tools, Young People, Digital Natives


The evolutional development of the Net into a Universal Digital Network leads a change in behavior, habits and competencies of Internet users. There are new forms of access, management and information design, which are generating differents behaviors for managing such information and within social relations. These are called "digital natives" who make greater use of such resources and new services. The purpose of this research is the evaluation and analysis of behaviors and competencies in social comunications that "digital natives"and young people develop on the Net. This phase is purely qualitative, so that all the conclusions are trends. The results show a clear difference between two groups of ages: the "digital natives" (14 to 17 years old) and the "digital immigrants" (18 to 35 years old) about their behaviors on the network.


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Author Biographies

Patricia Núñez-Gómez, Complutense University of Madrid

Patricia Núñez-Gómez is Professor of Information Sciences since 1988. She has participated in several research projects and research groups. She has been a visiting researcher at several international universities like the universities of Sao Paulo and Helsinki and has collaborated in Latin American and European universities in various research projects.

Her main lines of research are related to the new technologies and education, the digital natives, social networks, new advertising forms, and the third Sector. She has worked in commercial research projects related to these issues.

She is a member of the research groups: SOCMEDIA (Study of the learning and leisure socio-communicative behaviours and competences developed by children and young people (digital natives) through the use of new media and ICT) and FONTA (Training in New Audiovisual Technologies - She is responsible for the European Observatory for communication studies.

Author of several articles and books related to the aforementioned subjects. Speaker in various international conferences. Academic President of the International Advertising Association (IAA). Member of Ecrea and ICA.

Maria Luisa García Guardia, Complutense University of Madrid

Maria-Luisa García-Guardia was certified as professor by ANECA in 2011. With regards to her teaching experience, she began teaching as associate professor at the European University of Madrid in 1998. With regards to her research activity, she has been involved in various research programmes and projects in Spain, Denmark (University of Copenhagen, ITU), England (University of Sheffield), Mexico (TEC de Monterrey), Brazil (USP) and China (Beijing BFT).

She has worked in twenty projects and her lines of research have focused on the following subjects: ICT, advertising, and education from an interdisciplinary perspective, and their relation to technological transfer. Her main research projects include: main researcher in the Kairos programme (Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport), Socmedia R&D (Reference CSO 2008-01496), Badacam (UEM 2004-UEM05), Terrorism and Post 11M (CAM 06/HSE/0030/2004), Vivir la Historia Hoy (Living History Today) (Government of Bailén 167-2006), Communication and Health (UCM 238-2007 and 237-2007) Socio-communicative Studies and Competences (UCM-Santander GR69/06, GR74/07 and GR 58/08), Medialab Digital Archive, Ministry of Industry, Tourism and Commerce (Plan Avanza TSI-070100-2008-53), main researcher in Dinamización de Marcas en Redes Sociales (Brand Revitalization in Social Networks) (article 83 UCM-Interacting), main researcher in "Inversión Publicitaria: Medición de su eficacia" (Advertising Investment: Measuring its Effectiveness) (article 83 UCM-Optimedia) and main researcher in "Las campañas publicitarias televisivas en el ámbito de la respuesta directa" (Television advertising campaigns in the field of direct response) (article 83 UCM-Optimedia).

Author and co-author of several books. Her last book, "Cambios tecnológicos: el nuevo sistema publicitario" (Technological changes: the new advertising system), was published in the Collection of Communication Studies. Author of several articles published by academic journals and dissemination magazines, on the following themes: digital natives, communication and health, advertising and the strategic planner.

Lourdes Ainhoa Hermida Ayala, Complutense University of Madrid

Lourdes-Ainhoa Hermida-Ayala is director of the iS+D Foundation for Advanced Social Research and is doing a PhD in Image Creation Techniques and Processes: Social and Aesthetic Applications. She holds a B.A. in Sociology from the Carlos III University of Madrid.

Since 2007 she works for the iS+D Foundation, especially in the design and conduction of social research of various kinds. She is an expert in social research techniques and has taught qualitative and quantitative research techniques, analysis of social reality, and methodology in the processes of social science research.

She has worked for commercial companies, specifically in social and markets research, and as social research manager in a diversity of research projects for public and private entities. She collaborates with the Complutense University of Madrid in the development of research techniques in the R&D project “La construcción de la realidad social en los jóvenes a través de los Servicios y Contenidos Digitales Abiertos: Conductas y competencias sociocomunicativas en la Red de los “nativos digitales” (Young people’s construction of social reality through open digital services and content: Online socio-communicative behaviours and competences of the ”digital natives”).

Her lines of research focus on social communication and gender (masculinity).


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How to Cite

Núñez-Gómez, P. ., García Guardia, M. L., & Hermida Ayala, L. A. (2012). Trends in social and interpersonal relations of the digital natives and young people in Web 2.0. Revista Latina De Comunicación Social, (67), 179–206.


