The Way of Saint James and Xacobeo 2010 on tourist websites of autonomous regions
The Way of Saint James, Xacobeo, communication, website, autonomous regionsAbstract
This article analyses all tourist websites from the autonomous regions of Spain where the routes of the Way of Saint James go through. Considering that both the Way of Saint James and Xacobeo 2010 are important tourist opportunities for these autonomous regions, the main objective of this investigation is to determine the treatment they have given to them on their websites; for this purpose, two points have been taken into account, firstly, the quality of the websites themselves and, secondly, to verify that the autonomous regions have considered the Way of Saint James and Xacobeo 2010 as a tourist promotion for their own regions. All through the investigation, bibliography has been revised, concepts have been defined; the variables that measure the parameters of a website quality control have been chosen and an analysis of tourist websites contents and design has been done. In conclusion, the Galician website is the one which has more information about the Way of Saint James and Xacobeo 2010. The remaining regions offer on their websites vague information about the Way of Saint James and Xacobeo 2010, which differs from one website to another. Due to the significance of the tourist event Xacobeo 2010 and the importance of Internet as a media of communication, the objective of the group of investigators is to do new analyses of the institutional websites once the year 2010 has finished.
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