2009 European Elections in the Aragonese Press





2009 European Parliament Elections, election campaign, leaders, press, Aragon


This article examines the 2009 European Parliament Elections, which are a legislative landmark in the European Union’s consolidation process. In particular, the article analyses the news coverage of the election campaigns in the regional paid-for print press in Aragon. The methodology employed is quantitative content analysis of all the elections-related news items published during the 15 days the campaign lasted, in the Heraldo de AragónEl Periódico de Aragón (both published in Zaragoza), the Diario del Altoaragón (published in Huesca) and the Diario de Teruel (pubished in Teruel). The analysis focuses on identifying the political protagonists of the news published by these newspapers, and establishing whether these media used a European, national, or regional perspective. The hypothesis is that the Aragonese regional press focused more on the national politicians (even non-candidates) than on the actual MEP candidates. The results confirmed this hypothesis, since the press coverage of the campaign was presented from a national perspective and its protagonists were José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero and Mariano Rajoy.


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Author Biographies

Cristina Zurutuza Muñoz, San Jorge University

Bachelor’s degree in Journalism and Ph.D. in Communication (2009, with honours) from the University of Navarra. Research Scholar at the Graduate School of Political Management, of George Washington University, and a member of the founding team of the Master’s degree in Political and Corporate Communication of the University of Navarra.

Teaches in the field of political communication, crisis communication, and the Spanish political system. Her lines of research focus on communication and terrorism, crisis communications, institutional communication, and electoral communication. Member of the “Media and election campaigns in Aragon” research group, which is recognized as an emerging group by the Government of Aragon, and whose research results include the book entitled Las elecciones europeas de 2009 en la prensa nacional y aragonesa (The 2009 European elections in the Aragonese and national press).

She has worked on the adaptation of graduate and postgraduate programmes to the European Higher Education Area, has presented research papers in many congresses in and outside Spain, and is author of several chapters published in collective works.

Carmela García-Ortega, San Jorge University

Carmela García-Ortega holds a Bachelor’s degree in Journalism and Ph.D. in Communication from the University of Navarra, where she began her career as professor and researcher. She is certified as assistant professor by the National Agency for Quality Assessment and Accreditation of Spain (ANECA).

She currently teaches “Communication and information theory” and “Research techniques” at the Faculty of Communication Sciences of the San Jorge University. She also directs the “Media and election campaigns in Aragon” research group, which is recognised as an emerging group by the Government of Aragon.
She is dedicated to study the history of journalism and research methods in communication, which she has further studied at the universities of Essex (United Kingdom) and Salamanca (Spain).
She has participated in numerous national and international congresses and has published articles in scientific journals and chapters in collective works. Moreover, she is the co-author of several books including Las elecciones europeas de 2009 en la prensa nacional y aragonesa (The 2009 European elections in the Aragonese and national press) and La campaña de las elecciones generales de 2008 en la prensa diaria. El caso aragonés(2008 General elections campaign in the daily press. The Aragonese case).


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How to Cite

Zurutuza Muñoz, C., & García-Ortega, C. (2012). 2009 European Elections in the Aragonese Press. Revista Latina De Comunicación Social, (67), 1–22. https://doi.org/10.4185/RLCS-067-945-001-022


