Virtual sets in the broadcasting of major events




Scenery virtual, virtual studio, special programme, television, virtual set


In 2000, BBC virtual studios expert Danny Popkin criticized the television industry for not making a better use of virtual set technology. Ten years later the situation has not improved too much. Up to now, virtual set is just a good tool to save money and also offers advantages in the production of news, children’s programming, commercials and election coverage. However, it is necessary that the virtual set enhances realism, improves presentation of information and increases entertainment. In order to reach such goals, in this article the author describes six examples of special programs, from 1996 to 2009, where the broadcasters found some ideas to improve the program quality and richness of the audiovisual language.


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Author Biographies

Esteban Galán Cubillo, Jaume I University

- Doctor in Information Sciences.
- Member of the group “Research on Technologies Applied to Audiovisual Communication” (ITACA, according to its initials in Spanish). Department of Communication Sciences. Jaume I University of Castellón.
- Associate Professor at the Jaume I University and the Polytechnic University of Valéncia.

- Post-production technician at the audiovisual producing company Malvarrosa Media since May 2008. More than 10 years of experience as audiovisual technician at companies like RTVV and Vocento.

- Winner of the 3rd National Award (2003) in Audiovisual communication.
- Winner of the Ocaso award in 2002.

- Winner of the 2002 “Premio extraordinario de fin de carrera”, a prize awarded to the most outstanding graduate by the UCH.

Cesáreo Fernández-Fernández, Jaume I University

Cesáreo Fernández holds a Ph.D. from the Jaume I University, which was obtained with the thesis El Anverso Infinito: Arte y Comunicación en la Era Digital - Del Texto al Hipertexto(The infinite obverse: Art and Aommunication in the Digital Age - From text to Hypertext). He also holds a Bachelor’s degree and a Diploma of Advanced Studies in Audiovisual communication from the University of Valencia.

He is associate professor in the areas of Audiovisual Communication, Advertising and PR, and Journalism at the Jaume I University. He has also been an associate professor in the area of Audiovisual Communication and Journalism at the University of Valencia. He is visiting professor (teaching in the B.A. degree in European Communication) at the Faculté Libre de Droit et Sciences Sociales of the Catholic Institute of Toulouse (France). Member of the research groups: ITACA-UJI (Research on Technologies Applied to Audiovisual Communication), and “Research, Journalism, Communication and Power”, both belonging to the Jaume I University.

He is a communication researcher in the INTRAS (University Institute of Traffic and Road Safety). He has worked as journalist, writer, and scriptwriter at the News Department of RTVV and as operator of continuity control equipment at the Broadcasting Department also of RTVV. He is the co-founder and coordinator of Ciber@RT (International Exhibition of New Technologies in Art and Communication).

He has published several articles and has given courses, lectures and conferences on communication, especially about new technologies. He has made several short films, documentaries and video-art works. He has been judge in several international festivals of film, video, infographics and animation.


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How to Cite

Galán Cubillo, Esteban, and Cesáreo Fernández-Fernández. 2011. “Virtual sets in the broadcasting of major events”. Revista Latina de Comunicación Social, no. 66 (November):63-78.


