The product category and the message informed in food children’s advertising.




Children's advertising, food, product category, brands, advertising message


This article explains the worry about children obesity  and the accusation that many sectors exert on advertising. Furthermore, it tries to develop a theoric framework in order to set out the researches, which have been done, about food children’s advertising and its  connection with obesity. In adittion to this, the article talks about other researches which prove the restricted influence advertising exerts on children as regards food consumption and the factors which are necessary to affirm that there are direct causes to provoke obesity. The purpose of this essay is to analyze what type of product category exerts more advertising pressure and what kind of messages are used. This analysis will expound if children’s advertising is really surrounded by non healthy products or, however, by advisable ones in a child’s diet. Finally, it will also expound which communicative subjects are found in this kind of products.


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Author Biography

Cristina González Díaz, University of Alicante

Graduated in Advertising and Public Relations from the University of Alicante (2004), after receiving a collaboration grant in the Department of Sociology II, Psychology, Communication and Didactics of the Ministry of Education and Science in the last year of her Degree, she began her doctoral studies at the same university, combining this activity with the position of account executive in the Advertising Department of the newspaper 20 Minutos.

In 2005, she won a temporary position as a research technician in the R&D project financed by the Ministry called "Quality of audiovisual content -programmatic and advertising- aimed at the child target", directed by professor Victoria Tur Viñes.

Through this square she has been able to participate as a speaker in numerous congresses both nationally and internationally, as well as making contributions to publications whose central theme was focused on the media and childhood research line. She is currently preparing her thesis focused on the theme of children's advertising in the food sector.


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How to Cite

González Díaz, C. (2008). The product category and the message informed in food children’s advertising. Revista Latina de Comunicación Social, (63), 480–491.




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