Communication and organizacional change


  • Ana María de Guadalupe Arras Vota Autonomous University of Chihuahua
  • José Luis Jáquez Balderrama Autonomous University of Chihuahua
  • Luz Ernestina Fierro Murga



Communication, formal communication, change and organization


Communication is an essential element in organizational life, thanks to this process, through which human beings share experiences, it is possible for persons to accomplish joint actions, generate agreements, commitments and participate in organizational change. The purpose of this investigation is to analyze -through open messages in the form of a poster- the influence of communications as strategies of power in organizational change.


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Author Biographies

Ana María de Guadalupe Arras Vota , Autonomous University of Chihuahua

Lines of investigation Administration, bioethics, technology and education in the agricultural sector.

Recent posts:

Ana María Arras Votes, Emilia Durán López. (2003). Analysis of the educational field of the Degree in Agrotechnology Administration of the U.A. from Chihuahua. In Revista Mexicana de Agronegocios. Ana María Arras Votes, Emilia Durán López. (2003) Vision of Agrotechnology Administration as a profession. In Revista Mexicana de Agronegocios.

Hernández, Bateman, Chiavenato, Scott Snell, Gómez Mejía, Aguilar Valdez, Arras Vota, Fierro Murga. (2004). Administration applied to agricultural companies. Mexico. Mc Graw Hill.

Castañeda Jiménez, J. de la Torre Z. Dufoó Maciel, Mc Entee, Arras Vota, Fierro Murga. (2004). Language and communication. Mexico.Mc Graw Hill. Ana María Arras Vota, Emilia Durán López, Luz Ernestina Fierro Murga. (2005). Ethical Consulting: Strategy for Small and Medium Producers of the Agricultural Sector.

In Revista Mexicana de Agronegocios. Ana María Arras Vota, Luz Ernestina Fierro Murga, Alfredo de la Torre A, José Luis Ibave, et al. (2008). Agrotechnology and Society: The Academy by and for the Field. Mexico. Pearson. Ana María Arras Vota, Luz Ernestina Fierro Murga. (2008). Language and communication. Mexico. Mc Graw Hill. Ana María Arras Votes. (2008). Dimensions of culture. In Culture and Society. Coordinated by Rigoberto Marín Uribe. Mexico. Mc Graw Hill. Ana María Arras Vota and Anna Karina Valencia Arras. (2008). Educational technology, paradigm of postmodernity.

In Society and Culture. Coordinated by Rigoberto Marín Uribe. Mexico. Mc Graw Hill. Ana María Arras Vota, Luz Ernestina Fierro Murga, (2008). Justification, objectives, antecedents, delimitation and approach: components of the problem. In University and Knowledge, coordinated by Isabel Guzmán I. México. Mc Graw Hill. 

Luz Ernestina Fierro Murga, Ana María Arras Vota and José Luis Leyva González. (2008). The dimensions of quantitative research. In University and Knowledge, coordinated by Isabel Guzmán I. México. Mc Graw Hill.

Ana María Arras Votes. (2008). Qualitative research methodology. In University and Knowledge, coordinated by Isabel Guzmán I. México. Mc Graw Hill.

Ana María Arras Vota, Judith Candia Social construction of technology: fine-grained multi-seeder Accepted for publication in 2009 in the Revista Mexicana de Agronegocios CLASS Index (Of.517.01.HL / 99).

Ana María Arras Votes Organizational communication Published in the series of University Texts of the Autonomous University of Chihuahua

Editions: 1st in 1990. 2nd in 1999 and 1st reprint of the 2nd edition 2002.

ISBN 1st edition 968-6331-04-2

ISBN 2nd edition 968-6331-45-X

Research projects:

Proyectos de investigación:

Title of the project

Sponsor Name Start Day End Day

Problemática de la Educación Agropecuaria en la Universidad Autónoma de Chihuahua

Universidad Autónoma de Chihuahua 03/05/2005 30/04/2006

Interacción entre comunicación, poder y cultura en las organizaciones

ANFECA, UNAM, UACh 12/05/2001 09/09/2007

Análisis de opinión sobre el currículo y el desempeño de los estudiantes. Casp: Catedráticos de la Facultad de Ciencias Agrotecnológicas de la Universidad Autónoma de Chihuahua

Universidad Autónoma de Chihuahua 15/01/2006 15/05/2008 Ambiente y satisfacción laboral de los docentes del área agropecuaria. Caso: Facultad de Ciencias Agrotecnológicas de la UIniversidad Autónoma de Chihuahua Universidad Autónoma de Chihuahua 15/01/2006 15/05/2008 Análisis de caso: La consultoría ética como una estrategia emergente para auxiliar a los pequeños y medianos productores del sector agropecuario Universidad Autónoma de Chihuahua 22/02/2004 18/05/2004 Proyectos Emprendedores Estudiantiles, prometedora alternativa para impulsar la creación de empresas agropecuarias Universidad Autónoma de Chihuahua 24/01/2004 21/05/2004 Factores que inciden en el comportamiento académico de estudiantes del área agropecuaria Universidad Autónoma de Chihuahua 25/01/2005 25/04/2007 Construcción del conocimiento frágil versus construcción científica del conocimiento: Paradigma emergente en la educación Universidad Autónoma de Chihuahua 25/01/2005 25/05/2005 Dilemas conceptuales que conforman el imaginario colectivo estudiantil: Relativismo y pragmatismo en el aprendizaje Universidad Autónoma de Chihuahua 25/01/2005 27/08/2005 Satisfacción de los estudiantes universitarios. Caso: Facultad de Ciencias Agrotecnológicas Universidad Autónoma de Chihuahua 21/01/2008 15/12/2012

She has also directed bachelor's and master's thesis and I have taught courses and seminars in bachelor's and master's degrees in Administration, Agrotechnology Administration, Human Resources, Marketing and in the Doctorate in Administration.

José Luis Jáquez Balderrama, Autonomous University of Chihuahua

Higher education: Autonomous University of Chihuahua, Faculty of Philosophy and Letters (1991)

Other Levels: Master of Higher Education, UACH (1998-2001)

Doctor in Communication Sciences, University of La Laguna, Spain (1999-2003)

Years of journalistic experience: 28

Media where he has worked: Heraldo de Chihuahua, Norte de Chihuahua, Novedades de Chihuahua, Vanguardia de Chihuahua, Radio Universidad UACH and GRD Atena 760 A.M.


Professor: Faculty of Agrotechnological Sciences –UACH– 1992 - 2008.

Faculty of Accounting and Administration UACH (2008)

Regional Center for Training in Journalism of the UACH (1996-2000)

Taught subjects:

Scientific Expression Investigation methodology Public relations Ethics Communication Advertising Methods and Techniques Journalistic genres Political communication Taught courses: What is journalism and Who is a journalist? (UACH, 1999-2000) Radio Production and Organization (Radio Universidad, 1996-2000) The New Reality of Social Communication (Tecnológico de Chihuahua 2002) Public Relations (thesis course) Postgraduate of the Faculty of Accounting and Administration UACH (2005) Published books: Journalism: Footprint of the man light of freedom An artist in his midst: History and journalistic deontology Chihuahua Roots of an electoral vocation

Luz Ernestina Fierro Murga

For more than 25 years he combined academic work with work experience in the three levels of government. She is a full-time research professor at the Autonomous University of Chihuahua, at the Faculty of Accounting and Administration.

She has a degree in Spanish Letters from the Faculty of Philosophy and Letters.

She has master's degrees in Administration, Human Resources Administration, and Education Sciences with a specialty in Research, whose thesis earned her honorable mentions.

She has various publications in educational books such as Administration and its application to agricultural companies; Language and communication; co-participation in the book Coves del traveler, poetic texts; in magazines and conference proceedings; book of the authorship of her: In search of a leader, structural analysis of the conformation of her.

Member of the Academic Body "Educational Development". The lines of research that she cultivates are: Administration, Ethics and Bioethics and Education.


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How to Cite

Arras Vota , A. M. de G., Jáquez Balderrama, J. L., & Fierro Murga, L. E. (2008). Communication and organizacional change. Revista Latina de Comunicación Social, (63), 418–434.


