The immigration in Canarian press photography




Photojournalism, photography, press, Canary Islands, immigration, framing, news setting, agenda setting, cayucos, pateras, minorities


In a newspaper, the way press photography contributes to discourse construction is as relevant as the text appearing next to the images. An study of the pictures about immigration in four of the most important newspapers on the Canary Islands show that media agenda focuses exclusively on some aspects of the immigration phenomenon, representing a deformed reality. Few differences among mastheads appear, associating immigration almost exclusively with the arrival of the kind of boats used by the immigrants (cayucos and pateras) from the neighbouring continent. Consequently, immigrants are always portrayed as Subsaharan or Moroccan, giving priority to an homogenizing portrait and to the group, instead of looking at the individuals and their differences. While associating Africans with an image of weakness, lack of initiative and subordination, as well as crime, other much more numerous groups, such as Latin Americans, are ignored in these pictures. 


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Author Biography

Alberto Ardévol Abreu, University of La Laguna

Degree in Journalism from the University of La Laguna (ULL).

Extraordinary End of Degree Award 2006.

Doctoral candidate of the Doctoral Program "The media and information sciences."


He is the author of:

- The cultural and social integration of Latin American immigrants: concerns and suggestions for change policies. Lidia Cabrera Pérez (Coord.). 2008. Co-authorship of chapter 5: social communication media. - "Irregular immigration in the Canary Islands: ideological analysis of the editorial discourse". Ardévol Abreu, Alberto, in Revista Mexicana de Comunicación, 110, Mexico, D.F., June. ISSN: 0187-8190. Available at:

- "Information on immigration in the Tenerife press: neighborhood demonstrations against a center for immigrant minors (2006)". RUTA Magazine (Revista Universitària de Treballs Acadèmics), pending publication. ISSN: 2013-0740.


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How to Cite

Ardévol Abreu, Alberto. 2008. “The immigration in Canarian press photography”. Revista Latina de Comunicación Social, no. 63 (August):409-17.


