Gender and advertising regulation. The image of Women




Women, power, mass media, process, regulation, advertising


The advertising industry uses woman's body to transmit certain contents that incite/spur consumption. This has an influence/effect in creating stereotypes of woman's image that should be considered by public powers. Our legal system contains an important amount of constantly/permanently ignored rules that require respect for woman's image in the advertising industry.  This is due to the difficulties implied on the legal defense of the procedures related to advertising. The lack of an easy and flexible legal procedure, that would allow to obtain effective judicial decisions in a reasonable period of time, enables the defense of woman's rights on a reality basis. To make those rights effective, some measures are being proposed to allow a guarantying and forceful procedure on the defense of woman's personal image inadvertising. 


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Author Biography

María Luisa Balaguer, University of Málaga

He was born in Almería in 1953, studying Law and Psychology at the Faculties of Law and Philosophy and Letters of the University of Granada.

He received his doctorate in Law from the University of Granada in October 1983, obtaining the highest grade of outstanding cum laude unanimously by the Court.

In 1990 he published "The interpretation of the Constitution by ordinary jurisdiction" in Editorial Civitas.

In 1992 and in the Tecnos publishing house, she published "The fundamental right to honor", a work of doctrinal treatment of the jurisprudence of the Constitutional Court in the matter of fundamental rights to privacy, honor and image.

In 1997 she published in the Tecnos publishing house the work “Interpretation of the Constitution and legal order”, which formulates a theory of approximation to the general formulation of a theory of interpretation from constitutional law.

In 1999 she obtained the Chair of Constitutional Law at the University of Malaga.

In 2000 he published in Tecnos a joint work with F. Balaguer, Gregorio Cámara, Juan Cano, J.F. López Aguilar, and A. Rodrguez in two volumes, entitled "Constitutional Law".

In 2001 he published the work "The unconstitutionality appeal" at the Center for Political and Constitutional Studies ".

In 2005, she published “Mujer y Constitución. The legal construction of gender ”, in Tecnos. Madrid.

She is part of two research teams at the Universities of Malaga, (which she directs), and of Granada on European legal integration and fundamental rights, and the relations between ordinary jurisdiction and constitutional jurisdiction.

- Agreement with the Andalusian Institute for Women to prepare the Legal Information and Analysis Bulletin: Article 14. A gender perspective. UMA OTRI reference: 8.07 / 07.1335.

- Agreement with the Andalusian Institute for Women to draft a bill on the rights of women in Andalusia.

- Agreement with the Malaga Provincial Council for the preparation of an informative bulletin: Vindication.

2.- Professional CV

She is a professor at the Faculties of Law and Journalism at the University of Malaga. She is Coordinator of the Constitutional Law Area of ​​the Law School of the University of Malaga where she has directed doctoral theses to professors in the area.

She directs the magazine "Article 14, a gender perspective", which has been published by the Andalusian Institute for Women since 1999.

She has directed two congresses on Constitutional Law. The first in 2002, on the territorial organization of the State, organized by the Parliament of Andalusia on the occasion of the commemoration of the 20th anniversary of its Statute of Autonomy, and the second in 2003, on the occasion of the commemoration of the 25th anniversary of the Spanish Constitution.

From 1977 to 2003 she has been a practicing lawyer by the Malaga Bar Association.

She is part of the Ethics Committee of the Ministry of Health, of the Advertising Observatory of the Andalusian Women's Institute, and of the Advisory Council for the modernization of the Autonomous State of the Andalusian Government.

She is a Counselor of the Andalusian Advisory Council.


Balaguer Callejón, M. L. (1995): La mujer y los medios de comunicación, Málaga, Arguval.

Balaguer Callejón, M. L. (1992): El derecho fundamental al honor, Madrid, Tecnos.

Balaguer Callejón, M. L. (2003): “La regulación y el control de la publicidad en el ordenamiento jurídico constitucional español”. En Boletín de la Facultad de Derecho, 21, Madrid.

González Encinar, J. J. y Salvador Martínez, M. (2000): La mujer y los medios de comunicación, Madrid, CEC.

Rebolledo, J. A. (2001): “La pierna quebrada”. En Medios de comunicación, mujeres y cambio cultural, Madrid, Dirección General de la Mujer, Comunidad Autónoma de Madrid.



How to Cite

Balaguer, M. L. (2008). Gender and advertising regulation. The image of Women. Revista Latina de Comunicación Social, (63), 382–391.


