Public Opinion and frames: crisis of the dugout canoes




Public Opinion, framing, inmigration, Spain, content analysis, newspapers, El País, El Mundo, public agenda, Cayucos, dugout canoes


According to public opinion the increasing number of foreign population has became one of the most problematic issues in the last decade. Since 2005 immigration is the second biggest concern for Spaniards after unemployment and followed by terrorism. It is has became a state issue and a central government worry of utmost importance. The media coverage given to immigration is very important, specifically the way in which it is approached and presented to the readers.  This paper shows the different perspectives or frames used by two key nationwide Spanish newspapers, El País y El Mundo, to cover one of the migration crises that took place in the Canary Islands in spring 2006. Following Framing theory, media content has been analyzed using variables to show the different ways in which these media depict the phenomenon of migration and the approach which each newspaper follows.


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Author Biographies

Raquel Rodríguez Díaz, Rey Juan Carlos University

Contracted Professor Doctor at the Faculty of Communication of the Rey Juan Carlos University (URJC) of Madrid, where she teaches the subjects of Public Opinion and Fundamentals of Journalism.

She is the author of different articles and monographs related to research on the agenda-setting theory, political communication and electoral campaigns.

Noemí Mena Montes, Rey Juan Carlos University

PhD candidate at the Faculty of Communication at the Rey Juan Carlos University (URJC) in Madrid and a research staff training fellow.

She is currently working on different aspects of the effect of the media focused on the study of the Framing Theory applied to immigration.


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How to Cite

Rodríguez Díaz, R., & Mena Montes, N. (2008). Public Opinion and frames: crisis of the dugout canoes. Revista Latina de Comunicación Social, (63), 341–347.


