Two voyages, two ways of recounting the trip round the world: Antonio Pigafetta, Richard Hakluyt and The World Encompassed




Antonio Pigafetta, Richard Hakluyt, The World Encompassed, travel writing, circumnavigation


Introduction. This article analyzes the argumentative techniques used in the three main texts narrating the first circumnavigations of the world. On the one hand, the Spanish expedition of Magallanes-Elcano (1519-1521), told by Antonio Pigafetta in Relación del primer viaje alrededor del mundo; on the other hand, the English journey by Francis Drake (1577-1580), described in “The Famous Voyage of Sir Francis Drake” and The World Encompassed by Sir Francis Drake. Methodology and results. The comparative analysis of these texts concludes that in the height of the century of the discoveries these narrators used similar discoursive techniques to give an account of the newly found places to their respective Monarchs and also to the public opinion of the time.


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Author Biographies

Irene Rodríguez Cachón, Alicante University

Doctor in Hispanic Philology (2013) from the University of Valladolid. She has been a FPI predoctoral researcher (2009-2013) at the University of Valladolid and a visiting researcher at the University of Oxford (United Kingdom) and at La Sapienza-Università di Roma (Italy), as well as a professor and postdoctoral contracted researcher (2013-2015 ) at the Romanisches Seminar of the Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster (Germany). She is currently an Assistant Professor of Language and Literature at the Universidad Loyola Andalucía (Spain).

She has several national and international publications on 16th century Spanish literature, with special attention to short narrative, poetic translations, miscellanies and Renaissance poetic treatises. Among others, he is a member of the research group "7PDigital" of the University of Valladolid (FFI2016-75014-P, State Program for the Promotion of Technical Scientific Research of Excellence, Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities), where he works on an edition Digital review of the historical editions of the "Siete Partidas" of King Alfonso X the Wise.

Beatriz Valverde, Loyola Andalusia University

Beatriz Valverde has a doctorate in English Philology (literature specialty) from the University of Jaén. Besides that, she has a Master's Degree in Teaching Spanish as a Foreign Language from Loyola University Chicago (USA). In both fields of research she has published articles in different national and international journals. Her main lines of research are: ICT applied to TEFL; CLIL; Literature and cultural studies in English and Spanish; Critical humanism in the teaching of the humanities.


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How to Cite

Rodríguez Cachón, I., & Valverde, B. (2019). Two voyages, two ways of recounting the trip round the world: Antonio Pigafetta, Richard Hakluyt and The World Encompassed. Revista Latina de Comunicación Social, (74), 897–915.


