The Press of Northern Argentina at the Crossroads of Cultural Communication.The Literary Page of the Newspaper La Gaceta (1949-1951)




Cultural Journalism, Literary Page, Newspaper, Intellectual Field, Intellectual Groups, Cultural Organizer, Collaborators, Estate-influence, Censorship, Peronism


In this article, we investigate the strategies used by the director of a newspaper to constitute a transcendental cultural project in the journalism of Northern Argentina. The case studied is that of the literary section of the newspaper La Gaceta, from Tucumán, which is considered of primary importance for the development of the written press of the region during the 20th century. Our research does theoretically and methodologically form part of the sociology of culture. We follow, on the one hand, Pierre Bourdieu’s postulates on the intellectual field and the creator project for the description of the literary page of the above mentioned newspaper as a two-dimensional project: individual and collective at the same time. On the other hand, we coincide with Raymond Williams’ conceptualizations on the organization of culture. We also consider the case we study as part of cultural journalism, focusing on some theoretical matters and analyzing the configuration of such section from the perspective of its director, Daniel Alberto Dessein.


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Author Biography

Ana María Risco, National University of Tucumán

Ana María Risco has a Bachelor of Arts, a degree awarded in 2003 by the National University of Tucumán, Argentina.

During the years 2003 and 2004 she carried out secondary and tertiary teaching tasks in schools and higher education institutions.

In the winter semester of 2004-2005, she carried out a study stay at the University of Cologne, Germany, through the existing agreement between said university and the National University of Tucumán, financed by the ISAP-DAAD academic exchange program.

As of April 2005, she carries out research tasks within the framework of a postgraduate scholarship granted by the National Council for Scientific and Technological Research (CONICET).

During the academic period corresponding to the 2006-2007 winter semester, she carried out research tasks and participated as an invited postgraduate fellow in the International Colloquium for PhD students led by Prof. Dr. Christian Wentzlaff-Eggebert at the University of Cologne, Germany.

Currently he performs research tasks as a member of the Interdisciplinary Institute of Argentine and Comparative Literatures (IILAC) that works in the dependencies of the Faculty of Philosophy and Letters, of the National University of Tucumán and as a doctoral candidate for the Doctorate in Literature career ) of said university.


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How to Cite

Risco, A. M. (2008). The Press of Northern Argentina at the Crossroads of Cultural Communication.The Literary Page of the Newspaper La Gaceta (1949-1951). Revista Latina de Comunicación Social, (63), 313–330.


