Special features of informative photography in Spanish online media





Digital image, design, photojournalism, picture, online media, newspaper, radio, television, news, edition, Internet, Spain


This paper shows the most relevant conclusions of the research: “The informative image in online media: newspaper, radio and television”. Firstly, the author presents the theory and methodology which has been employed. Secondly, she describes how they were put into practice on a sample collected in 2004. This sample consisted of 311 images from the following newspapers online editions: La Vanguardia, El País and El Mundo; as from the radio stations Cadena Ser, Onda Cero, COPE, as well as from the TV channels Antena 3 and Telecinco. Finally, the paper explores how the object of study has changed and developed until 2008 and its possible lines of research. One of the main conclusions is that the modular design of the pages damages the visual message. Moreover, The presentation is homogeneous and the edition of the images is sharp to adjust them to fixed sizes. In addition to this, photographers have become anonymous, whereas news agencies have become the main suppliers of images.


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Author Biography

María Isabel Villa, Autonomous University of Barcelona

Degree in Social Communication and Journalism from the Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana de Medellín (Colombia) and DEA in Audiovisual Communication from the Autonomous University of Barcelona.

She is currently developing her doctoral thesis at the same university on the changes in television in its passage to other broadcast platforms.

Her fields of interest are image and new communication technologies.

Until now she has developed her professional activity in various media dedicated to the press as a journalist and photographer.


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How to Cite

Villa, M. I. (2008). Special features of informative photography in Spanish online media. Revista Latina de Comunicación Social, (63), 303–312. https://doi.org/10.4185/RLCS-63-2008-769-303-312


