The impacts of post-media networks on the traditional media




convergence, attention economy, post-media and trans-media,, social networks, virtual community, digital journals, traditional media, new communication channel, customization, information and entertainment


The fast and successful penetration in society of the so-called social networks in the past two or three years has alarmed the traditional media. The new phenomenon reaches a wider audience, enhances advertising, achieves customization, and breaches some of the barriers of traditional media. The new communication channel is used already by millions of Internet users as their main source of information and entertainment. This research paper analyses the structure of eleven global social networks, which feature contents in Spanish and other languages, in relation to the electronic version (e-version) of the main Spanish newspapers. The aim is to prove if the so-called social networks are a new type of media, a new platform for social relationships and post-media contents, which look more like the audiovisual media than the traditional newspapers.


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Author Biography

Francisco Campos Freire, Santiago de Compostela University

Professor of Journalism in the Department of Communication Sciences of the University of Santiago de Compostela, USC.

Professor of Information and Audiovisual Company Management at the Faculty of Communication Sciences of the University of Santiago de Compostela.

Degree in Journalism from the Faculty of Information Sciences of the Complutense University of Madrid.

Doctor in Communication and Contemporary History from the University of Santiago de Compostela.

MBA in Direction and Management of Industrial and Service Companies.

European Expert / Auditor in Quality Management accredited by the Spanish Quality Association and the European Organization for Quality

RESEARCH AREAS: Cultural and Communication Industries, Information and Audiovisual Company Management, Communication Policies, Family Business and Communication Groups, Analysis and Quality Audit in Communication Organizations, Corporate Social Responsibility


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How to Cite

Campos Freire, F. (2008). The impacts of post-media networks on the traditional media. Revista Latina De Comunicación Social, (63), 287–293.


