Mechanisms of Parental supervision over children’s use of new screens


  • José Antonio Gabelas Barroso Open University of Catalonia
  • Carmen Marta Lazo San Jorge University



multi-use, screens, television, videogames, cellular phones


New screens (the Internet, videogames and cell phones), together with traditional TV, conform a first-order socialising agent for kids, adolescents and youngsters. Given the wide range of contents displayed through these media, it seems reasonable to raise the question of whether the less experienced and infant users have access to any safe guidance in this field. This paper presents the results of a survey on parent control over how their children make use of these media. It particularly focuses on the specific motivations underlying the involvement of the youngest generations in their everyday contact with each specific interactive media and the impact that entertainment, education and information provided through the new screens has on the habitual user. Pivotal in this analysis is the parents’ concern about the contents and the frequency of their children’s exposure.


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Author Biographies

José Antonio Gabelas Barroso, Open University of Catalonia

Professor of Sociology of Mass Communication at the Open University of Calalunya. And Consultant Professor of Multimedia and Communication in the careers of Law and Advertising.

Doctoral thesis: "The pedagogy of the image as a means of promoting adolescent health", in the Department of Journalism II of the Faculty of Information Sciences of the Complutense University of Madrid. Expected reading date: December 2008.

Graduated in Art History from the University of Zaragoza.

Diploma in Sociocultural Animation from the Pontifical University of Salamanca. Diploma in Basic General Education from the University of Zaragoza.

Co-author of the book "Consumption and mediations of families and screens", published by the Government of Aragon.

General and Pedagogical Coordinator of El Periódico del Student. Responsible for content, dynamization of the team and director of training in media education for teachers.

Published articles:

  • La educación para el consumo de pantallas, como praxis holística
  • Modos de intervención de los padres en el conflicto que supone el consumo de pantallas


Carmen Marta Lazo, San Jorge University

Contracted Professor Doctor of the Faculty of Communication of the Universidad San Jorge de Zaragoza (Spain).

She has a doctorate in Information Sciences from the Complutense University of Madrid. Extraordinary Doctorate Award. Master in Educational Television from the UCM. And Master in Radio by RNE and UCM. Specialist in New Technologies and Education from UNED.

She has been a professor at the Complutense University and at the Francisco de Vitoria University in Madrid.

She is the author of the book "Television in the eyes of children" by Fragua Comunicación, co-author of "Consumption and mediations of families and screens" and of numerous articles in scientific journals.

She has participated in several research projects focused on the analysis of the television audience for children and adolescents and new screens, funded by the MEC, the Complutense University, the Government of Aragón and the UFV Research Foundation, among other organisms.

She has given numerous lectures related to this topic at national and international Congresses and Seminars. She collaborates with the Healthy Screens Seminar of the General Directorate of Educational Policy and the General Directorate of Public Health of the Government of Aragon, in the area of ​​television content related to childhood, adolescence and youth.

She also collaborates with the Federation of Parents' Associations of Aragon (FAPAR) in giving conferences for fathers and mothers, related to their children's television consumption and new technologies.

Published articles:

  • La educación para el consumo de pantallas, como praxis holística
  • Modos de intervención de los padres en el conflicto que supone el consumo de pantallas


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How to Cite

Gabelas Barroso, J. A., & Lazo, C. M. (2008). Mechanisms of Parental supervision over children’s use of new screens. Revista Latina de Comunicación Social, (63), 238–252.




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