Educating critical TV viewers in secondary school




TV viewers, reception, television competence, didactic tutorials TV viewers, critical thinking, television


Reflecting on the television phenomenon is an increasing necessity. As shown in this report, hundreds are the inquiries about this media that have been carried out in different areas and in the most remote countries. However, research has rarely transcended to the general population and therefore, it has had a scarce impact on forms of TV consumption of our society. Education for the «television competence» becomes the crux of this investigation through the concrete didactic program «Teaching to watch televisión», aimed specifically at students of secondary education. Our main focus is the design and development of curricular materials to enable teachers to work with their students to acquire the necessary «television competence» «to watch» TV in a critical and creative way.


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Author Biographies

José Ignacio Aguaded Gómez, University of Huelva

Vice-rector for Technologies, Innovation and Quality at the University of Huelva, he is also a professor of education in the media and of new technologies applied to education at this University. Doctor in Psychopedagogy, teacher and graduate in Educational Sciences and Hispanic Philology, he is the founding president of Grupo Comunicar, an Andalusian collective, veteran in Spain in media education. He is also director of the Ibero-American scientific journal of communication and education «Comunicar», which is distributed in Europe and America; and scientific advisor to different national and international journals.

He is director of the «Agora» Research Group within the Andalusian Research Plan (HUM-648), developing different research projects (R&D of the Ministry of Science and Technology), «Interreg III» and «E-learning» (from the European Union, with Italy, Belgium and Portugal), INTI (EU), Lengthening (EU), etc.

He has participated in multiple training and research activities in the field of the didactic use of the media and has given lectures at forums and congresses at national and foreign universities, and has participated in lectures at masters, from different Spanish universities, as well as at educational centers. foreign research from different countries: Argentina, Chile, Portugal, Venezuela, Brazil, Belgium, Sweden, Mexico, Italy, etc.

Among the many publications and research of him, especially "Audiovisual communication in a renewed teaching" (Comunicar, 1993), "Discovering the magic box." Let's teach and learn to watch television »(Comunicar, 1998),« Living with television. Family, education and television reception "(Paidós, 1999)," Education in the media. Panorama and perspectives ”(KR, 2000),“ Television and viewers ”(Comunicar, 2001),“ Educate on the Net. Internet as a resource for education ”(Aljibe, 2002),“ Young people, classrooms and the media ”(La Crujía, Argentina, 2002), Technologies for education: design, production and evaluation of means for teacher training (Alianza, 2003), Universitari @ s and networks: the use of ICTs in beginning university students »(GEU, 2004 ) and «Healthy screens» (2005), (2006).

He has also been the organizer and president of different scientific committees of academic events, such as conferences, seminars, symposia, such as the international events "Ibero-American Congress of Communication and Education:" Lights in the audiovisual labyrinth "in 2003 (700 researchers from 19 countries ); «Hispanoluso Congress: The television we want. Towards a quality television ”in 2005 (450 researchers from 16 countries),“ RTVE forum: Educate the look ”(Madrid, 2007, Spanish Radiotelevision).

Rocío Díaz Gómez, University of Huelva

Degree in Pedagogy from the University of Seville and Master in New Technologies from the Autonomous University of Barcelona, the Carlos III University of Madrid and the University of Alicante.

Since 2005, she has been an FPI fellow from the MEC linked to the Department of Education of the University of Huelva. She performs her duties as an R&D fellow and member of the Ágora group in the project: "The implementation of free software in Andalusian ICT centers: analysis of the repercussions on the teaching-learning processes." She combines this work with hours of teaching in the subject of new technologies applied to education in the teaching diploma and in the completion of her doctoral thesis in the field of tele-training platforms.

Published articles:

La formación de telespectadores críticos en educación secundaria



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How to Cite

Aguaded Gómez, J. I., & Díaz Gómez, R. (2008). Educating critical TV viewers in secondary school. Revista Latina de Comunicación Social, (63), 121–139.


