Government Advertising: an integrative element. The legal framework in Spain




Advertising, inmigration, integración, mass media, Social role, Social policy


Immigration in Spain has had a special increase last ten years. America is a main origin. The advertising from companies is similar like few years ago, but the context has changed. Advertising from Government is being managed to this new sensibility, but slow and not from a logical strategy. A Law about Government Advertising and Communication has been promulgated and it assure the social and cultural diversity. Integration and acceptance are the objectives of the campaigns from the Government. This research show the data of a pioneer study in which the immigrants are the analyst (not the analyzed) and show their feeling. This text describe the campaigns from the Government in which the immigrant appear.


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Author Biographies

Esther Martínez Pastor, Rey Juan Carlos University

She has a doctorate and a degree in Information Sciences and a degree in Law. She is a professor of Fundamentals of Advertising at the Rey Juan Carlos University.

Her current lines of research include: institutional advertising, immigration, and Internet use.

Published articles:

Ricardo Vizcaíno-Laorga, Rey Juan Carlos University

He has a doctorate and a degree in Information Sciences and a degree in Education Sciences. Professor of Written Information Technology and Graphic Design at the Rey Juan Carlos University.

His current lines of research include: Internet uses, disability, immigration, political communication and education.

Co-Principal Investigator of the ULISES Project (Avatar for the deaf).

Published articles:


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VV.AA. (2006): “Burell grad Brooks ges experimental for multicultural market”. En Advertising Age. Chicago 77(39), pp. 31.

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How to Cite

Martínez Pastor, E., & Vizcaíno-Laorga, R. (2008). Government Advertising: an integrative element. The legal framework in Spain. Revista Latina de Comunicación Social, (63), 91–98.


