The audiovisual mounting narrative as a basis for the documentary film interactive: news studies




Audiovisual, language, interactivity, cinema interactive, documentary, comunication


This paper presents a literature review and experiment results from pilot-doctoral research "assembly language visual narrative for the documentary film interactive," which defend the thesis that there are features interactive audio and video editing of the movie, even as causing agent of interactivity. The search for interactive audio-visual formats are present in international investigations, but sob glances technology. He believes that this paper is to propose possible formats for interactive audiovisual production film, video, television, computer and cell phone from the postmodern society.


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Author Biography

Denis Porto Renó, Methodist University of São Paulo

Journalist, master and teacher in Social Communication at the Methodist University of São Paulo - Umesp, where research on interactive cinema.

He is a member of the INAV Network - Rede Ibero-Americana de Narrativas Audiovisuais.

He has his curriculum documentary film productions and various participations in congresses and national and international newspapers.

Published articles:


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How to Cite

Porto Renó, D. (2008). The audiovisual mounting narrative as a basis for the documentary film interactive: news studies. Revista Latina de Comunicación Social, (63), 83–90.


