Transformation processes of cybermedia: challenges for journalistics enterprises




cybermedia, cyberdesign, Internet journalism, mobile telephone, Information Society, web 2.0


From the corporative point of view, cybermedia have got four main challenges nowadays: to define a new business pattern; to fit to the new standards in the acquisition and transmission of knowledges; to collect the readers that are leaving the convencional media; and to get a new and efficient formal treatment of the product. Also cyberjournalism is facing to the future challenge of new mobile supports in order to accede to its contents, which create two aditional complications: a very fewer size and a very complex interface. All of these items will imply the development of a new generation of typographical families, adapted to this new reality, to push for the flexibility due to the great versatility of mobile cyberjournalism and, finally, to deepen in interactivity, considered like the strategic formule to profit the wide range of services that is supporting this business pattern.


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Author Biographies

David Parra, Complutense University of Madrid

He was a research fellow at the Ministry of Education and Science and has been a professor at the Complutense University since 1990. His lines of research have focused during the last 20 years on multimedia convergence, examining phenomena such as videotex, the Internet, cell phones, the Internet. Mobile and cyberjournalism.

He is the author of five books on information technologies applied to the field of journalism and has participated in around fifteen collective works. He has also written dozens of articles in scientific journals and has participated in various national and international conferences.

He directed the projects on "The user profile of the Ibertex network in Spain in 1991 and 1994", funded by the European Community, and is a member of different research groups.

Concha Edo Bolós, Complutense University of Madrid

Professor of Journalism at the Complutense University and, previously, professor at the Carlos III University of Madrid.

Her research focuses on the study of the daily press and cybermedia and, especially, on the impact of the Internet on newspapers, newsrooms, the work of journalists and the teaching of journalism.

She has participated and participates in research projects of public and private funding, has published three books as an individual author and has participated in eighteen collective works.

She has written dozens of articles in academic journals and has participated as a speaker at national and international conferences.

She is deputy director of the academic magazine Textual & Visual Media, a member of the Editorial Board of the magazine Estudios sobre el message journalístico of the Complutense University, member of the Editorial Board of the website “Sala de Prensa” with two million visits and more than 2000 subscribers of 36 countries and secretary of the Board of Directors of the Spanish Society of Journalism.

Published articles:

Jesús Miguel Flores Vivar, Complutense University of Madrid

Professor at the Complutense University of Madrid and also at the Antonio de Nebrija University and the Open University of Catalonia.

Professor and guest lecturer at other national and international centers and institutions, he is coordinator of the Internet Journalism Observatory and the Cybermedia project (National R&D Plan) and participates in Innovation and Teacher Improvement Projects.

He is the author and co-author of books and articles specialized in Cyberjournalism and has organized and directed seven international conferences on Journalism and the Internet.

He has worked in press, radio and digital media. And he is part of the OCS Scientific Committee of Thesis and of the network of experts of the Poynter Institute.

He addresses the following lines of research: business models in Cyberjournalism; blogs and Web 2.0, knowledge management and e-Learning training.

Published articles:

Pedro García Alonso, Complutense University of Madrid

Contracted Professor of Informative Business at the Complutense University of Madrid; M.B.A. by the Instituto de Empresa and doctor in Philosophy and Ethics.

He has been a professor at different universities in Journalism, Marketing, Audiovisual Communication, Business Ethics and related areas.

He is a Founding member of the 'European Business Ethics Network' in Spain and Secretary of the Association of Bloggers Journalists.

Author of various books and university manuals, such as "Informative Company. The media in 2007", "Thesis and PhD. European Higher Education Area", "Theory and Practice of Management in the Informational Company" and "Organization and Management of the Informative Company ".

He has participated in more than twenty congresses in Spain, Mexico, the Czech Republic and Portugal. He participates in the Program for the Evaluation of Teaching Quality of the Complutense Vice-Rectorate.

Published article:

Juan Carlos Marcos Recio, Complutense University of Madrid

Contracted Professor of the Department of Library and Information Science of the Faculty of Information Sciences of the Complutense University and Master in Library & Information Studies from the University College of Wales (Aberystwyth) and from the Antonio de Nebrija University of Madrid.

He has been a professor at the University of Valladolid, the Mississippi University Institution and the Antonio de Nebrija University.

He is the author of three individual books and numerous articles in Spanish and foreign magazines related to his specialty.

He has worked as a journalist and documentarian in Spanish newspapers and magazines and maintains other lines of research such as advertising, public relations and distance education.


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How to Cite

Parra, D., Edo Bolós, C., Flores Vivar, J. M., García Alonso, P., & Marcos Recio, J. C. (2008). Transformation processes of cybermedia: challenges for journalistics enterprises. Revista Latina de Comunicación Social, (63), 62–70.


