The Creative Strategy in the Tourist Advertising. The Castilla y León case
Advertising creativity, creative strategy in advertising, advertising campaign, audio-visual advertising, advertising in radio, graphic advertising, out, door advertising, tourism, tourist marketing, tourist image of a territory, Castilla y LeónAbstract
Since 1989, the Junta de Castilla y León develops an advertising activity to promote its tourist attraction over the travellers. This article is based on the results of the study of the advertising creative strategy followed by this advertiser to get it. The main objective is to know the image that Castilla y León is trying to show as a tourist destination and to study in depth the creative resources used to get those purposes. This investigation gets into the current context of the tourist marketing development in Spain and in the importance of the advertising phenomenon to promote the tourist sector. To get these objectives we have analyzed the tourist advertising this advertiser has spread since 1989 and we have got to know the tourist image that Castilla y León is trying to show and the advertising resources used to get that purpose. With this study we have developed too a research model to the study of the tourist advertising of others advertisers and other sectors.
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