Secrets Portraits. Figurations of Identity in the Virtual Space


  • Silvia Tabachnik Metropolitan Autonomous University



virtual, self-portrait, semiotics, rhetorical figures, anamorfosis


Unlived experiences of the body, languages, space, and time lead us to restate questions regarding the operations involved in the processes of constituting and transforming subjectivity in the virtual domain, beyond the logic of identity. While it guarantees certain conditions of anonymity, the virtual regime favors suspension of the identity established for "civil life" and propitiates various semiotic processes of identity reconfiguration. This work discusses these processes by making an analytical approximation of the procedures of "presenting oneself" that govern the entry of subjects to virtual communities.


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Author Biography

Silvia Tabachnik, Metropolitan Autonomous University

Degree in Linguistics from the National School of Anthropology and History (I.N.A.H., Mexico). She is studying for a doctorate in Social Sciences at the Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana de México, with a project on “Language, writing and subjectivity on the web. Discursive practices in virtual communities”.

She is a tenured professor and researcher at the Department of Education and Communication of the Division of Social Sciences and Humanities of the Autonomous Metropolitan University (UAM, Xochimilco unit) of Mexico.

She was the founder and director of the Master's in Socio-semiotics of the Center for Advanced Studies –CEA– of the National University of Córdoba (UNC, Argentina) from October 1991 to January 2003.

She was the director of various research projects based in the aforementioned Center for Advanced Studies, in the field of communication, language sciences, semiotics and media studies.

Invited lecturer at various international events, among others the Interdisciplinary Colloquium "Historia Conflictiva - The memory of dictatorships and civil wars in Latin America", organized by the Erlangen University of Nuremberg (Germany) and guest speaker at the X Latin American Meeting of Faculties of Social Communication (FELAFACS. São Paulo, Brazil, October 2000).

She is the author of the book Voices sin nombre. Confession and testimony in the media scene, National University of Córdoba, 1997; of chapters in various anthologies and numerous articles in specialized magazines in Argentina, Spain and Brazil. She participated as author and coordinator in the second issue of DeSignis magazine, of the Latin American Federation of Semiotics, “La Comunicación Política. Transformations of public space ”- Barcelona, ​​Gedisa, 2002.

Published article:


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Deleuze, G. (1994): Lógica del sentido, Paidós, Buenos Aires.

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Goffman, E. (1972): La presentación de la persona en la vida cotidiana, Amorrortu: Buenos Aires.

Goffman, E. (1979): Relaciones en público, Alianza Editorial: Madrid.

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How to Cite

Tabachnik, S. (2007). Secrets Portraits. Figurations of Identity in the Virtual Space. Revista Latina De Comunicación Social, (62), 1–12.


