Internet Governance and the Information Society: Sociopolitical Problems


  • Giulio Adinolf Miguel Hernández University of Elche



World Summit of the Information Society, Work Group of Internet Governance, Governability, Globalization


The information society reflects an effect of the increasing expansion of the globalisation that determines a general increase in the speed of the Internet. Internetwork World Wide Web represents the synthesis or the core of the global society. The UN and the World Summit of the Information Society have granted powers to the Work Group of Internet Governance, which has to elaborate on "Internet governance" and to evaluate if it is possible. This group has to solve political problems like governability with respect to the state manifestation of public power and governance in how it affects the complete participation of society.


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How to Cite

Adinolf, G. (2007). Internet Governance and the Information Society: Sociopolitical Problems. Revista Latina De Comunicación Social, (62), 28–45.


