Deontological aspects of scientific information coverage. Case study: Volcanic crisis of The Teide.




Scientific journalism, Internet, Deontology, Science, Teide, Tenerife


The article is the result of an investigation which is focussed on some deontological aspects of the scientific journalism. In the first place it gives a theoretical vision about science, journalism, internet and including some reflections about the deontological principles in handling the information about science and technology. This focus is useful as it forms the base of an investigation where we deal with the information about a possible ”volcanic crisis” in El Teide during the years 2004-2005 done by the digital newspaper” El Dïa” a canarian newspaper from Tenerife. The work required the revision of the information which was published and a followed analysis of its context.  It was used the digital version with the purpose of visualizing the news which was published. It was also compared with a printed version, with local cover but divulged the information to the public who was most affected by this particular news. The results give rise to some questions regarding how the information is given to a topic which is of local interest as well as national and international interest due to the repercussions in the social, economical and tourist field (the tourist field is the main industrial sector in Tenerifeby receiving this type of news.


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Author Biography

Víctor Manuel Pérez Martínez, Univerity of La Laguna

Doctor in Information Sciences from the University of La Laguna (ULL, ES). Degree in Social Communication, Audiovisual mention, from the Andrés Bello Catholic University (UCAB, VE). He also has a Specialization in Social Communication (UCAB) and a Master's Degree in Social Communication in the area of ​​Organizational Communication (UCAB). He has studied for the Master's in Political Science at the Simón Bolívar University (USB, VE).

He is currently a professor at the Universidad San Jorge (Zaragoza) and a member of the Editorial Committee and of the Academic Council of Revista Latina de Comunicación Social. Member of the Editorial Board of the Cyber ​​Society Texts Magazine. In the field of university teaching, since 1997 he has taught undergraduate and graduate classes at various universities: Andrés Bello Catholic University, Alejandro de Humbolt University, Santa Rosa University, Latin American and Caribbean University, European Institute of Higher Studies.

He was Director of the Department of Social Communication of the Venezuelan Episcopal Conference (1993-1999); Vatican Radio Correspondent for Venezuela (2000-2004); Founder-Director (1999-2003) of the School of Social Communication of the Santa Rosa University. He coordinated and directed one of the first online congresses held in Venezuela (1998).

He has worked in the radio area producing and directing various programs on Radio Nacional de Venezuela, Radio Caracas Radio and Radio Fe y Alegría. In the press, he collaborates with, El Diario La Voz, Correo del Caroní, Radio 6 Tenerife, among others.

The author of several books of novels. In 2004 he obtained the second place of the Trípode Prize (Venezuela) with the essay on solidarity in the field of communication, education and politics: When will we learn to be brothers? He has published research articles in the Mexican Journal of Communication, Reason and Word, Cyber ​​Society Text Magazines, Press Room, among others.

Doctoral thesis: Internet, new spaces for democratic debate.

Articles published:

Multimediality and interactivity in the news coverage of the 2008 United States presidential elections in Spanish cybermedia

Some deontological aspects in the coverage of scientific information Case study: “Volcanic crisis” of Teide



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How to Cite

Pérez Martínez, Víctor Manuel. 2007. “ Case study: Volcanic crisis of The Teide”. Revista Latina de Comunicación Social, no. 62 (April):117-31.


