Radiography of Spanish Radio




Radio, Future, Renovation, Creativity, Investigation, Crisis, Technology, Programming, Contents, Formats, Advertising, Thematic, audience, specialized


In its eighty years of existence, radio has been always characterized to adapt to the social, cultural and technological transformations. Thus it has been until this moment. Nevertheless, some years ago, the authors and professionals of this medium have been detecting a stagnation that affects to its structure. At a time in continuous technological evolution, radio demands a deep transformation. For that reason, from the conviction of which the future radio, public and commercial, will necessarily have to renew itself, in this paper we establish ten problems and their possible solutions to the radio crisis in order to draw an x-ray of radio in Spain. Radio has future, but it is necessary to work actively by it. That the radio continues being part of sound of our life, it will depend on the work of all: companies, advertisers, professionals, students, investigators and listeners.


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Author Biographies

Emma Rodero Antón, Pompeu Fabra University

Emma Rodero Antón has a doctorate in Information Sciences from the Pontifical University of Salamanca, with the qualification of Outstanding Cum Laude and Extraordinary Doctorate Award.

Until 2007, she has been a tenured professor of Radio Production in the Audiovisual Communication degree of the Pontifical University of Salamanca, in whose Faculty of Communication he has taught the subjects "Radio Production and Production", "Audiovisual Locution" and "Radio Narrative". Since the 2007-2008 academic year, she has been a professor at the Faculty of Social Sciences and Communication of the Pompeu Fabra University, UPF, Barcelona.Has completed the Postgraduate Specialist in Voice Pathology at the University of Alcalá de Henares and the Institute of Sciences His teaching and research activity focuses on radio and especially on radio narrative (radio fiction) and locution, the subject of his doctoral thesis, on which he has taught various courses and undertaken various investigations. At the Pontifical University, she has directed the University Postgraduate Course in Audiovisual Locution for four years, and is the author of several works and articles on audiovisual media, among which the following stand out: Radio production (Cátedra, 2005), The take a take dubbing process (UPSA, 2005), The radio that convinces. Manual for creatives and advertising broadcasters (Ariel, 2004), Radio locution (Official Institute of Spanish Radio Television and Pontifical University, 2003), Practical manual for the preparation of interviews and reports on the radio (Cervantes, 2001) and Radio information in Castilla y León: Analysis of regional news programs (Junta de Castilla y León, 1997) .

She has been director, editor and broadcaster of the news program Hora 14, on Radio Salamanca-Cadena Ser, as well as editor and broadcaster on Antena 3 Radio y Cadena To be –national broadcast– and collaborator for the COPE Network and Salamanca Television. She has also received awards and recognitions for various radio fiction productions.

Currently she combines teaching and research work with professional tasks of advertising in various media, agencies and audiovisual production companies.

Published articles: La radio en España

Chelo Sánchez Serrano , Pontifical University of Salamanca, UPSA

Chelo Sánchez is a journalist. Doctor in Information Sciences, since 1995 she has belonged to the teaching staff of the Faculty of Communication of the Pontifical University of Salamanca (UPSA).

She has also taught at the University of Salamanca, University of Experience and International University of Andalusia. She is currently Vice Dean of Students of the Faculty of Communication of the UPS A.

Chelo Sánchez has been Director of Communication of Salamanca 2002 European City of Culture

Her work in the media has been developed mainly in the radio: RNE (Salamanca) , Radio Salamanca (SER), Radio Madrid (SER) and Radio Mallorca (SER).

She was the first deputy director of the weekly Tribuna Universitaria. She is the author of the book Las tertulias de la radio. The public square of the 90s (Ediciones Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca) and co-author of the books Journalism without information (Tecnos) and Writing for journalists: opine and argue (Editorial Universitas), as well as articles in the press and specialized magazines. 

Published articles:

Radio in Spain


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Herrera, S. (2005): “Ventajas e inconvenientes de la participación de la audiencia en los programas de radio”. En Doxa 3, pp. 123-142. DOI:

Jiménez, S. (2006): La creatividad en el proceso de elaboración de informativos radiofónicos. (Tesis doctoral). Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca.

Keith, C. (2000): “El futuro de la radio en el mercado global”. En Conferencia Plenaria en las Jornadas Internacional de Comunicación. Pamplona: Universidad de Navarra.

Lewis, P. y Booth, J. (1992): El medio invisible / Radio pública, privada, comercial y comunitaria. Barcelona: Paidós.

López Vigil, J. L. (1997): Manual urgente para radialistas apasionados. Quito: Amarc/Ciespal.

Marzo, J. L. (2006): “Radio y contexto comunicativo”. En Jornadas de Prácticas Radiofónicas. Santiago de Compostela: Museo Galego de Arte Comtemporaneo.

Merli, J. (2000): “A question of credibility”. En Broadcasting and Cable.

Murelaga, J. (2004): “El trabajo del periodista de radio”. En Revista Chasqui 88, pp. 46-56.

Nieto, M. A. (2003): “Pasado, presente y futuro de la radio”. En V Foro de Investigación en Comunicación. Madrid: Universidad Complutense.

Radio Advertising Bureau:

Rodero, E. (2004): Producción radiofónica. Madrid: Cátedra.

Rodero, E. (2005): “Recuperar la creatividad radiofónica”. En Anàlisi: Quaderns de Comunicació y Cultura 32, pp. 133-146.

Ochoa, A. (1996): “Las diez leyes de la creación publicitaria (IV)”. En Campaña 490, pp. 40-51.

Schulberg, B. (1992): Publicidad radiofónica. México: Mc Graw Hill.

Viñas, J. (1999): “Los niños y la radio. Vamos a contar un cuento”. En En el Aire / 75 años de Radio en España. Madrid: Promotora General de Revistas.



How to Cite

Rodero Antón, E., & Sánchez Serrano , C. . (2007). Radiography of Spanish Radio. Revista Latina de Comunicación Social, (62), 170–181.


