The crisis of radio speeches


  • Raúl Garcés University of La Havana



radio journalism, radio production, radio speeches, Cuban radio, public service radio, crisis on radio


In a media world highly influenced by new technologies revolution and the increasing impact of television, speeches on radio are frequently polarized: in one side, some scholars argue radio belongs to the past and it is no longer able of attracting younger audiences. In the other, lay those who predict long life to radio as a source of alternative and communitarian communication experiences. The author reviews the arguments that sustain both perspectives and emphasizes the need of renovating radio producing with audacious and creative formulas. At the same time, he discusses some of the challenges Cuban radio has ahead to attract new audiences, when television and printed press are recovering from the economic crack the Island suffered after Eastern European socialism disappeared.


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Author Biography

Raúl Garcés, University of La Havana

Graduate in Social Communication. Faculty of Communication, University of Havana, 1997. Gold title. Comprehensive graduate of his course.

Master in Communication Sciences, mention in Communication, Faculty of Communication, University of Havana, Cuba, 2002.

Doctor in Communication Sciences, with the theme The symbolic construction of public opinion. Theoretical Trends and Contemporary Media Practices, 2006.

Head of the Department of Journalism.

Teaching Vice Dean for two consecutive years of the Faculty of Communication.

Professor of the subjects Radio Journalism, Radio Production and New Trends in Journalism. Professor of Postgraduate Courses on Radio Language and Radio Journalism in Cuba (International Institute of Journalism, Faculty of Communication, ICRT Study Center) and abroad (University Radio of Guerrero, University Radio of Mexicali, Autonomous University of Baja California, Autonomous University of Guerrero (Mexico), Brazilian Radio Association (Brasilia), Autonomous University of San José (Costa Rica).

Member of the Career Commission of the specialty of Journalism.

He remains linked to the professional practice of Journalism, in which he has worked as:

- host and director of the morning radio magazine Hajando Radio, Radio Rebelde.

- Writer of news programs on radio and television.

--Journalist on international issues.

--Collaborator with bodies such as and

--Director and host of the talk show Privately Público, from the Educational Channel 2.

Member of organizing committees of national and international scientific events related to his profession. Member of the radio chair of the José Martí International Institute of Journalism. Jury of several national journalism competitions. Tutor, opponent and consultant of several theses on Radio and Political Communication discussed in the Faculty of Communication.

Postgraduate courses received:

• Planning of Public Relations. Faculty of Communication, UH. January-June 1995.

• Seminar on Investigative Journalism. Lic. Lawrence Day, professor at the University of West Florida. Faculty of Communication, UH, November-December 1994.

• Marketing and publicity. Lic. Mario Piedra, specialist of the Cuban Institute of Cinematographic Art and Industry. Faculty of Communication, UH, 1994.

• Great Cuban journalists. Dra. Nuria Nuiry, University of Havana, 1995.

• Women's literature in Cuba, Dulce María Loynaz. Dr. Nara Araújo. Faculty of Arts and Letters of the University of Havana, 1995.

• Speech and Linguistic Techniques. Professor Nelson Moreno de Ayala. Direction of the Cuban radio, 2001. • Predoctoral research on Public Opinion and Political Communication. Tutor Dr. Richard Keeble. City University, London, 2003.

• Predoctoral research The symbolic construction of public opinion. Complutense University of Madrid, 2006.

• Course on participatory techniques in radio. Professor José Ignacio López Vigil. Community radio meeting. San Jose Costa Rica. 2001


• He has published the texts "Selection of radio readings" (2001) and "The owners of the air: a communication approach to Cuban radio in the late 1940s" (2002), editorial Pablo de la Torriente Brau.

• He has published in various national magazines such as the University of Havana, Tricontinental and on digital sites such as, and, as well as in the Journal of Journalistic Message Studies, and other publications international

• He has collaborated with various national press organs, including the Juventud Rebelde newspapers, the tabloid of the Union of Journalists of Cuba Enfoques, the Alma Mater magazine and the cultural newscast of the Union of Writers and Artists of Cuba. National and international events: Lecture "The teaching of Social Communication in Cuba: consensus and differences".

• VII Latin American Congress of Students of Social Communication (CLECS'96). Maracaibo Venezuela. September 1996. Lecture "The Spanish-Cuban-American crisis and the New York press: a communication approach".

• I and II International Workshop of the Union of Journalists of Cuba "The press: vision of two wars." 1996, 1997.

• National Congress of historians. 1997 Round table: "The formation of the Social Communicator in Cuba".

• II International Meeting of Information and Communication Professionals (ICOM 98). Faculty of Communication, University of Havana. Lecture "The production of radio news: from said to fact".

• III International Meeting of Information and Communication Professionals ICOM 2000. Faculty of Communication, University of Havana.

• Meeting of directors of the young radio Antonio Lloga in memorian. Hermanos Saiz Association, 2000.

• Journalism workshops held at the Faculty of Communication and other Cuban institutions. • Regional meeting of community radio stations. San José, Costa Rica, 2002.

Presentation “The engineers of the consensus. The North American Press and the Iraq War ”. Workshop on war correspondents. International Institute of Journalism, 2004.

Presentation "The crisis of the radio", in IV International Meeting of the Association of Public Service Radios, Brazil, 2005.


Faus Belaus, A. (2001): Reinventar la radio. Revista Chasqui, 74.

En 1948 la isla logró importar exactamente 113.400 receptores, más o menos una cuarta parte de lo que Estados Unidos exportaba para entonces a América Latina. Ver: Garcés Corra, Raúl: Los dueños del aire, un acercamiento comunicológico a la radio cubana de los años 40. Versión digital de la Editorial Pablo de la Torriente Brau, 2004.

Grossman, L. (1998): The death of Radio-reporting. Columbia Journalism Review.

El debate sobre los espacios informativos radiales cubanos en múltiples eventos teóricos, ha sugerido, también en nuestro contexto, la pertinencia de recuperar el concepto primigenio de lo noticioso (asociándolo a lo realmente inesperado y trascendente), explorar nuevas formas de ideación de la noticia teniendo en cuenta las especificidades del lenguaje radiofónico y vigorizar géneros interpretativos como el reportaje dentro de los noticieros y otros espacios informativos. La homogeneización de un tipo de noticiero que excluye de de noticias cortas ha consolidado estructuras y dinámicas instantaneístas, que destierran casi como norma de la práctica periodística la investigación y el análisis, y despojan a los reporteros de la complejidad interpretativa de su oficio para convertirlos en meros "facilitadores".



How to Cite

Garcés, R. (2007). The crisis of radio speeches. Revista Latina De Comunicación Social, (62), 227–232.


