Education for screen use as holistic praxis




education, health, curriculum, leisure, users plan, critical view, traditional screens, new screens, TV, the Internet, videogames, mobile phones, children, teenagers


New generations maintain a very close daily relationship with screens (television, Internet, video consoles and mobile telephones). A lot of their leisure time centres on these means of communication with a double purpose: either for playing or communicating with others. These are the two dimensions (recreational and social) that dominate the choice of these types of communication in order to entertain oneself and/or establish relationships with their groups of friends. The trend in the consumption of screens has distanced television from its previous monopoly and has meant that it has to share young people’s leisure time with other advanced technological supports. The health of children and adolescents involves educating them towards a healthy and responsible consumption of all screens, in a balanced way as regards dosis and planning, and with criteria as regards the content that could endanger them and the level of their cognitive development.


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Author Biographies

Carmen Marta Lazo, San Jorge University

Doctor in Information Sciences from the Complutense University of Madrid. Extraordinary Doctorate Award. Master in Educational Television from the UCM.

And Master in Radio by RNE and UCM. Specialist in New Technologies and Education from UNED.

She has been a professor at the Complutense University and at the Francisco de Vitoria University in Madrid.

She is the author of the book Television in the eyes of children, by Fragua Comunicación, and has participated in several research projects focused on the analysis of the television audience for children and adolescents and new screens, financed by the Ministry of Education and Science, MEC , by the Complutense University and by the UFV Research Foundation, among other organizations.

She has given numerous lectures related to this topic at national and international conferences and seminars.

She collaborates with the Healthy Screens Seminar of the General Directorate of Educational Policy and the General Directorate of Public Health of the Government of Aragon, in the area of ​​television content related to childhood, adolescence and youth.

She also collaborates with the Federation of Parents' Associations of Aragon (FAPAR) in giving conferences for fathers and mothers, related to their children's television consumption and new technologies. She collaborates in El Periódico del Student, as a media and communication analyst, being a member of the jury in the Short Stories Contest that is convened every year.

José Antonio Gabelas Barroso, Open University of Catalonia

During the last twenty-five years he has developed a professional activity in four areas: training of trainers with social media and social media; research in media, in Spanish and international R&D&I projects; production of didactic resources in media competences; finally, design and coordination of innovation projects in secondary and higher education.

From 1998 to 2007 he directed the collection "Comunicación y Medios". In 2007 he began his career as editor of the blog "Habitaciones de Cristal". He has collaborated with more than sixty articles on the INED21 platform.

Director of the supplement "El periódico del estudiante" in "El periódico de Aragón" (1998-2008).

He is currently a regular columnist for the opinion magazine Disidentia


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How to Cite

Lazo, Carmen Marta, and José Antonio Gabelas Barroso. 2007. “Education for screen use as holistic praxis”. Revista Latina de Comunicación Social, no. 62 (September):233-41.


