The political debate as public patrimony


  • José Cisneros Espinosa University of the Americas



Communication, Democracy, Politics, Public, Citizenship


The following article establishes a critique to the prevalent conception of political communication by focusing on the concept of collective democracy, which is drawn from English political theory. This approach, proposed by David Mena PhD., a researcher from Universidad de las Americas, Puebla, in Mexico, is applied here to contrast the concept of political marketing with the notion of communication as a model for political participation through collective decision-making. Finally, in the conclusive section, the author emphasizes two ideas pointed out by Mena: first, the design of political campaigns as education promotion, and second, the notion of the political debate as a public good.


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Author Biography

José Cisneros Espinosa, University of the Americas

Dr. José Cisneros Espinosa is a tenured professor and researcher at the University of the Americas, Puebla.

He studied for a degree in Information Sciences and Techniques at the Universidad Iberoamericana de México, D. F. (1979); a master's degree in Education from the University of the Americas, Puebla (UDLA, 1990) and a doctorate in Information Sciences from the University of La Laguna (Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spain, 2001). He is a member of the National System of Researchers (SNI) level 1, of Mexico.

He has researched and published various topics related to communication and social participation.

Dr. Cisneros has also dedicated himself to developing consulting activities related to public communication and educational communication in various institutions in Mexico. He participated as a social communication advisor for the Puebla City Council during the periods 1986-1987 and 1996-1998. Currently (2007) he is head of the Department of Communication Sciences at the University of the Americas, Puebla.

His lines of research are: Communication and democracy, and communication as a mechanism for the self-construction of the human being.


Peer-reviewed article: "Communication processes in the construction of the human being". In: Social communication policies and regional development in Latin America. Vol. II. Lenín Martell Gámez, Marta Rizo García and Aimée Vega Montiel, Coordinators. Autonomous University of Mexico City and Mexican Association of Communication Researchers. Mexico DF.

Peer-reviewed and published paper: "Legality, legitimacy and historical block in electronic media: A theoretical reading about the Televisa Law". In: Memory of the XVIII National Meeting AMIC 2006.

The necessary keys to communication for development in Mexico. (CD) Latin University of America and Mexican Association of Communication Researchers. Morelia, Michoacán, Mexico.

"The concept of communication: The glass with which you look." In: magazine Codes N ° 1 Spring 2005. University of the Americas, Puebla.

Communication and democracy: The current and potential participation of civil organizations in the radio broadcasting stations of the municipality of Puebla. In: CD Doctoral Thesis 2000-2001. Humanities and Social Sciences. University of La Laguna. Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spain.

"University research and solution of social problems". In: C.D. Proceedings of the First Ibero-American Congress "The future of communication". Sevilla Spain.

“The privatization of public space. Conceptual analysis ”. In: AMIC 2003, Collective text. Mexican Association of Communication Researchers. Mexico DF.

"The concept of communication: The glass with which you look." In: Ámbitos magazine N ° 7-8. University of Seville, Spain.

"Communication to be rescued" In: Revista Mexicana de Comunicación N ° 76. México, D. F.

“The participation of civil organizations in the informational programs of the radio in Puebla”. In: Communicative horizons in Mexico. Coordinator: Norma Patricia Maldonado R. Mexican Association of Communication Researchers. Mexico DF. "Radio diagnosis from a perspective of appropriation of the use of informational spaces of commercial radio stations by civil organizations." In: CD Memories of the VI Latin American Congress of Communication Researchers. ALAIC. Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Bolivia.

“Communication and democracy. The rescue of concepts and public spaces ”. In: CD Memories of the XIV National Meeting of Communication Researchers. AMIC. Tequisquiapan, Querétaro.

"Communication Sciences: a career in search of its professional definition". In the magazine Codes No. 4 University of the Americas-Puebla. April.

"Broadcasting and democracy". In: Civil society and uncertainty. Universidad Iberoamericana, Campus Golfo-Centro. Puebla.

"The concept of culture". In the magazine Codes No. 3 University of the Americas-Puebla. Puebla. "Broadcasting and democracy". In: University and Culture of Modernity. Universidad Iberoamericana, Campus Golfo-Centro. Puebla.

"Cultural identity and global exchange. Axes, networks and cultural circles from a culture of their own". In: Around the Latin American identity. VII Latin American Meeting of Faculties of Social Communication. Mexico DF.

"Radio without antennas. Proposal for a university broadcasting model". In: Communication and Democracy. VI National CONEICC. Mexico DF.

"Art and Communication. A difficult relationship." In Codes, communication notebooks No. 2 Universidad de las Américas-Puebla. Cholula, Puebla.

"Radio without antennas. Proposal for a university broadcasting model". In: Codes, communication notebooks No. 1. University of the Americas-Puebla. Cholula.

"The concepts of education and culture and the current operation of nine educational and cultural radio stations". In: Regional broadcasting in Mexico. History. Programs. Hearing

Published Articles:

The Political Debate as Public Heritage


Aceves, F. (2002): “De la construcción de las agendas a la centralidad mediática del espacio público. Hallazgos y desafíos en la investigación de la comunicación política”. En: IX Anuario de investigación de la comunicación. México: CONEICC.

Casas, M. L. (2004): “Medios de comunicación y crisis de representación política”. En: XI Anuario de investigación de la comunicación. México: CONEICC.

Castell, M. (1997): La era de la información. Economía, sociedad y cultura. El poder de la identidad. Vol. II. México: Siglo XXI Editores.

Cisneros, J. (2004): “La pareja ideal: Democracia neoliberal y publicidad política”. Ponencia. XVI Encuentro AMIC. Mesa B. Política y opinión pública. Veracruz, Ver. 27 de mayo.

• Cisneros, J. (2003): “La privatización del espacio público. Análisis conceptual”. En: AMIC 2003, Texto colectivo. México: Asociación Mexicana de Investigadores de la Comunicación.

Cisneros, J. (2003): “Comunicación política hoy: ¿Sólo existe el marketing?”. En: Marketing y elecciones. Aguilar, E. y Sánchez, J. editores. Puebla, México: LunArena Arte y Diseño e Instituto Internacional de Estudios sobre Comunicación Pública.

Esteinou, J. (2004): “La videopolítica, los videoescándalos y la sucesión presidencial en México”. En: XI Anuario de investigación de la comunicación. México: CONEICC.

Ferry, J. M. et al. (1998). El nuevo espacio público. Barcelona, España: Gedisa.

Maturana, H. y Varela, F. (1997): La democracia es una obra de arte. Colombia: Editorial Magisterio.

Mena Alemán, D. (2005): La concepción colectivista de la democracia. México: Ediciones Coyoacán.

Real Academia Española (2000): Diccionario de la lengua española. Madrid: Espasa Calpe.



How to Cite

Cisneros Espinosa, J. (2006). The political debate as public patrimony. Revista Latina de Comunicación Social, (61), 9–25.


