The Cyber Media in Peru




Internet, online newspapers, ciberjournalism, Peru


The results of an investigation whose primary target is to analyze the panorama of media on the Internet in Peru in the last quarter of the 2004 are presented. The birth and the consolidation of the Peruvian media on the Internet have been influenced by the economic, political and social problems that this country has lived through throughout its history. In spite of the few users which the media still have on the Internet, however, Peruvian journalism is making an effort to experiment with new formats and is conscious that in the future these means of communication will become essential elements for publication on the Web.


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Author Biography

Lyudmyla Yezers´ka, University of Piura

Teacher of the courses: New media; Internet as a professional tool for communicators; Development of interactive communication projects.

Studies: Doctorate in Communication - University of Navarra, Spain. Electronics Engineer - Kiev Polytechnic University, Ukraine.

Publications: Yezers'ka, L. (2003). The development of the Information Society in Peru. Communication Magazine. Vol. I, 2003. Piura, Peru: Faculty of Communication, 116-146.

Yezers´ka, L. (2006). Cybermedia in Peru. Revista Latina de Comunicación Social 61, II epoch, January-December 2006. Spain: Universidad La Laguna de Tenerife,

Other details: April 2007 she defended doctoral thesis: “The first decade of Peruvian journalism on the Internet (1995-2005). Analysis of general information cyber newspapers ”. Director of the thesis Dr. Ramón Salaverría Aliaga.

Research lines of work: Analysis of the impact of the internet on the media, Web and multimedia design


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How to Cite

Yezers´ka, L. (2006). The Cyber Media in Peru. Revista Latina de Comunicación Social, (61), 70–84.


