The Representation of Immigrants in Spanish television fiction. A proposal for a Content Analysis. El Comisario y Hospital Central


  • Elena Galán Fajardo Carlos III University of Madrid



Television, Spain, Fiction Series, Stereotypes, Immigration, El Comisario, Hospital Central, Social Construction of reality, Characters


Spanish society is getting more and more multicultural. Demographys has changed considerably. Anyway, hegemonic media, especially televisión fiction as one of the most demanded genres on prime-time, avoiding or just showing them into ilegality, exclusion or margination plots. This research analyzes the image of immigrants in the plots of two of the Spanish workplace series with more audience nowadays. They were from 1999 to 2005. Using a content analyses these series has been estudied and the stereotypes used has been observed. In addition, the results of this study has been compared with the information from the Spanish National Institute of Statistics to show similarities and differences with the results obtained of the reality in the same temporary period. Finally, it has been observed a massive employment of negative stereotypes assigned to the image of the immigrant in both series and a correlation between reality and fiction.


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Author Biography

Elena Galán Fajardo, Carlos III University of Madrid

Elena Galán Fajardo is a lecturer at the Carlos III University of Madrid. She teaches Television Studies and Television Scriptwriting (fiction) in the Faculty of Humanities, Communication and Documentation. She is the author of several publications on memory, historical fiction and identity construction in television.


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How to Cite

Galán Fajardo, E. (2006). The Representation of Immigrants in Spanish television fiction. A proposal for a Content Analysis. El Comisario y Hospital Central. Revista Latina de Comunicación Social, (61), 96–105.


