The Values of Journalism in the Digital Convergence: Civic Journalism and Fifth Power




Information and Communication Technologies, ICT, digital convergence, civic journalism, participative journalism, values crisis, fifth power, independent platforms, journalism profession, information consumption, credibility


Digital Convergence is having a big impact on the journalism profession. It alters the patterns of information production, information distribution and information consumption. For some, it’s also generating what could be called a new version of journalism, the civic journalism. All this has a direct impact on the credibility crisis suffered by traditional journalism. This paper tries to answer two questions. First, does digital convergence strengthen or weaken the values of journalism?; Second, do new technologies favour the creation and consolidation of a new journalism and of a Fifth Power or info-communicative platform, able to multiply information transparency by becoming the watcher of the watchers? According to the author, the current crisis of values of journalism will only have a chance to be overcame by protecting the professional practice, due to its social responsibility, or assuming the lost of its democratical function —altogether with the consequences that this may have on our sociopolitical systems.


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Author Biography

Núria Almiron Roig, Autonomous University of Barcelona

Doctor in Journalism and graduate in Communication Sciences and Political Sciences from the Autonomous University of Barcelona.

She practiced professionally for a decade in the field of written journalism and since 2002 she is a professor of Journalism at the Autonomous University of Barcelona.

Her research activity focuses on the political economy of communication. She is a member of the Conflict Communication Observatory of the UAB, and a collaborator of the Incom-UAB Communication Institute.

Among other texts, she is the author of The Masters of Globalization. Internet and power in the information age (Barcelona: Plaza Janés, 2002), From Vannevar Bush to the WWW (Valencia: 3i4, 2001) and Judgment of power (Madrid: Temas de Hoy, 2003), co-author of El mito digital (Barcelona: Anthropos, 2007) and co-editor of Press Subsidies in Europe (Barcelona, Generalitat de Catalunya, 2006).


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How to Cite

Almiron Roig, N. (2006). The Values of Journalism in the Digital Convergence: Civic Journalism and Fifth Power. Revista Latina De Comunicación Social, (61), 106–117.


