The nineties in Argentina. Ideology and subjectivity in the Menemist society


  • Mariana Elisa Gómez National University of Córdoba



Argentina, menemism, politic, subjectivity, ideology, consume, fetishism, exhibitionism, corruption, law, society, ethics, middle class, neoliberalism, privatization, gadgets, merchandise, transgression, economy, market, capitalism, discourse, psychoanalysis, Freud, Lacan


In this work a reading of the Argentinean period is presented denominated "menemismo" from two axes: the ideology concept, starting from the contributions of Voloshinov, Althusser and Zizek and from the lacanian notion of "enjoyment". A style where the law absence, as consequence of the trasgresión of government's system, a society that doesn't find a significant anchorage easily takes place. At the same time, it is analyzed how this produces a society that doesn't find a significant to give cohesion to its symbolical and identified universe, ending to organize at themselves around of consume objets. From this place it is thinks about the consumption objects as objects fetishes starting from the categories Marxist and Freudian and concludes in that the corruption like means to exercise the government should not only be seen as an ethical topic but also, as an institutional and ideological topic.


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Author Biography

Mariana Elisa Gómez, National University of Córdoba

Academic situation: Adjunct Professor - Faculty of Psychology Studies: Degree in Psychology, Master in Socio-semiotics and concluding PhD in Semiotics.

Publications (abbreviated): Book: From the signifier to the letter. Peircean semiotics in the process of formulating Lacanian discourse. (Master's thesis with "Honorable mention recommended for publication"). Editorial Alción. Cordoba, Argentina, 2007.

Chapters of books:

“New forms of current protest. From the real to the desire for transformation ”, in Argentina, to the couch. Editorial Brujas, Córdoba 2002. ISBN: 987-9452-85-2.

"Angels of the time, lost dreams, mirrors and realities", in Psychoanalysis and cinema. Signs of the time. Publications National University of Córdoba. College extension. 2003.

"The painting of the twentieth century an art that pierces", in Art and psychoanalysis. The void and representation. 2005. Center for Advanced Studies. National University of Córdoba and Editorial Brujas. ISBN: 987-1142-93-5

Image readings. The dream as a text ”, in Sociosemiótica. Analysis of social discourses. 2006. Center for Advanced Studies - National University of Córdoba and Ed. Brujas. ISBN-10: 987-591-046-5.


Foucault and psychoanalysis. A controversial relationship? ”, In Research in Psychology 9 - N ° 3-2004. National University of Buenos Aires. ISSN 0329-5893.

"Practice of psychoanalysis and ethical position", in Aesthethika. International Journal on Culture, Subjectivity and Aesthetics. (International Reference) Volume 1 N ° 1 - 2004 ISSN 1553–5053.

"Lacan and Derrida. A relationship marked by the difference ”, in Astrolabio digital magazine. Year I -N ° 1, Center for Advanced Studies. National University of Cordoba. October 2004. ISSN 1668-7515.

"The subject of science and the Lacanian unconscious", in the University Journal of Psychoanalysis. University of Buenos Aires, UBA. December 2005, Vol. 5. National University of Buenos Aires. ISSN 1515-3894.

"The nineties in Argentina: ideology and subjectivity in Menem society", in the Latin Journal of Social Communication 61, July 2006, Canarias Tenerife.

Recovered companies and identity construction. The modern hero in liquid times ”, in Memories of the XIII Research Conference. Paradigms, Methods and Techniques. July 2006. Faculty of Psychology. Buenos Aires' University. ISSN 1669-5097.

"The question of the times and the problem of the author in the Lacanian discourse". Astrolabio, digital magazine of the Center for Advanced Studies, UNC. Number 3 - November 2006 - ISSN 1668-7515.

Lecture (published): “Discursive constructions on 'women'. Variants and invariants in some women's magazines from the nineties in Argentina ”. Authors: Arcanio, M. Gómez, M. Secretariat for Research, Science and Technology of the FFYH and CIFFYH. May, 2007. ISBN 978-950-33-0593-5.

“Virtual spaces. Epoch and enjoyment ”in El Digital Magazine of Psychoanalysis. N ° 39. Buenos Aires, September 2003.

“Regulation of psychotherapies. Analysis of its consequences in the health market ”, in the Scientific Journal of the College of Psychologists of the Province of Córdoba. Year VII-N ° 12. October 2004.

"The son's room. Beyond sacrifice, beyond death ”, in Ethics and Cinema: Virtual Encyclopedia. A perspective from Human Rights. May 2006. Chair of Ethics and Human Rights at the University of Buenos Aires. Ibero-American Eco-Bioethics Network of the UNESCO Chair, in:

Rodolfo Walsh, writer. A letter always reaches its destination. Reading effects from psychoanalysis ”in La Amanecida. Digital magazine of art, culture and thought. Rionegrino Editorial Fund. Nº 9 March- April 2007. ISSN 1850-1184.

Other academic details:

Director of the Research Program: "Psychoanalysis, Science and Time". Center for Advanced Studies, associated with CONICET. National University of Córdoba, Argentina.

Member of the CIEC Center for Clinical Research and Studies, associated with the Freudian Field Institute and the Paris VIII University.

Research lines of work: Social identities, ethics, politics, power.

Theoretical lines: Socio-semiotics and Lacanian Psychoanalysis.



Althusser, L. (1988): Ideología y aparatos ideológicos / Freud y Lacan. Buenos Aires: Nueva Visión.

Benítez Larghi, S. (2004): “Representaciones sociales de tiempo y espacio en torno al consumo de Internet”. En VV AA, Cartografías de la Argentina de los ’90/ Cultura mediática, política y sociedad (Coord., Antonelli, M.). Córdoba: Ferreyra editor.

Borón, A. (2000): “Menemismo, antimenemismo y postmenemismo en la política argentina en Memoria”. En Revista de política y cultura, N° 132.

Freud, S. (1992): Obras completas. Tomo XVI. Buenos Aires: Amorrortu.

Gruner, E. (s/d): "La cosa política: El retorno de lo trágico en las filosofías malditas del siglo XX, apuntes provisorios para un nuevo fundacionalismo", Buenos Aires: http://

Lacan, J. (1987): Escritos 2. Buenos Aires: Nueva Visión.

Lacan, J. (1999):”Las formaciones del inconsciente” en El seminario, Libro 5, Buenos Aires: Paidós.

Lacan, J. (1995a): “Los cuatro conceptos fundamentales del psicoanálisis” en El seminario, Libro 11, Buenos Aires: Paidós.

Lacan, J. (1992): “El reverso del psicoanálisis” en El seminario, Libro 17, Buenos Aires: Paidós.

Lacan, J. (1970-71): “...O Pire” Seminario 19 (inédito)

Lacan, J. (1995b): “Aun” en El seminario Libro 20. Buenos Aires: Paidós.

Lacan, J. (1974): La tercera en Intervenciones y textos 2. Buenos Aires: Editorial Paidós.

Marx, K. (1986): El capital, crítica de la economía política, tomo I. México: Fondo de Cultura Económica.

Molinari, V. (2004): “Juventud, publicidad... Una forma de ser en los noventa”. En VV AA, Cartografías de la Argentina de los ’90 / Cultura mediática, política y sociedad (Coord., Antonelli, M.). Córdoba: Ferreyra editor.

Minujin, A. y Anguita, E. (2001): La clase media. Seducida y abandonada. Buenos Aires

Tessi, M., 2004: “La prosperidad televisada: economía y publicidad en la Argentina de la década de 1990” en VV AA, Cartografías de la Argentina de los ’90 / Cultura mediática, política y sociedad (Coord., Antonelli, M.). Córdoba: Ferreyra editor.

Uhart, C. (2004): “La mujer en los noventa: Procesos ideológicos, consumo e identidad”. En VV AA, Cartografías de la Argentina de los ’90 / Cultura mediática, política y sociedad (Coord., Antonelli, M.). Córdoba: Ferreyra editor.

Voloshinov, V. (1992): El marxismo y la filosofía del lenguaje. Madrid: Alianza.

Wortman, A. (2004): “Nuevos intermediarios culturales y producción de hegemonía”. En VV AA, Cartografías de la Argentina de los ’90 / Cultura mediática, política y sociedad (Coord., Antonelli, M.). Córdoba: Ferreyra editor.

Zizek, S. (1992): El sublime objeto de la ideología. México: Siglo XXI editores.

Zizek, S. (1998): Porque no saben lo que hacen / El goce como factor político. Buenos Aires: Paidós.

Zizek, S. (2001): El espinoso sujeto / El centro ausente de la ontología política. Buenos Aires: Paidós.

Zizek, S. (2003): Las metástasis del goce. Buenos Aires: Paidós.

Zizek, S. (2003): A propósito de Lenin / Política y subjetividad en el capitalismo tardío. Buenos Aires: Atuel / Parusía.



How to Cite

Gómez, Mariana Elisa. 2006. “The nineties in Argentina. Ideology and subjectivity in the Menemist society”. Revista Latina de Comunicación Social, no. 61 (August):118-25.


