From MacBride to WSIS. Full diagnoses, empty commitments




International information system, North-South inequalities, Challenges to global communication, Contrasting Macbride-CMSI, Absence of Shared Responsibility


From 2003 to 2005 the World Summit for the Information Society has taken place under the auspices of the UN. Since the MacBride Report was submitted in 1980, this has been the most significant initiative undertaken at international level to confront the challenge of inequalities in the global communication system. So much in an occasion as in another, sectors requiring transformations have obtained a main victory in the area of diagnosis and definition of new paradigms, but their major failure in the refusal of the industrialized countries governments and the media private sector to assume any commitment. This rejection of the concept of Shared Responsibility has for the first time been counteracted by the international actor that supposes the organized civil society.


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Author Biography

Concepción Travesedo de Castilla, University of Málaga

Professor of Communication at the University of Malaga, PhD in Journalism and International Relations from the Complutense University of Madrid, and expert in Virtual Training Environments, she has developed her teaching experience in subjects related to Communication Research, the Global Structure of the Media, Public Media and International Information. She has obtained two six-year research fellowships with publications on social communication, international information and international relations. She has held university management responsibilities at the European University of Madrid and the University of Malaga, having held the position of Director of UNED Malaga for six years. She has directed numerous courses, especially in the field of Cooperation and the Media, and is a regular contributor to local media.


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How to Cite

Travesedo de Castilla, Concepción. 2006. “From MacBride to WSIS. Full diagnoses, empty commitments ”. Revista Latina de Comunicación Social, no. 61 (December):197-209.


