The incorporation of information technology in the teaching: a case study


  • Susana Morales National University of Córdoba, UNC



computer technologies, teaching


The research presented was an exploratory study carried out between 1999 and 2002 in the city of La Rioja (Argentina), in which an approach that articulated quantitative and qualitative methodologies was proposed. It was intended, through this work, to contribute to the knowledge of the representations and practices of teachers, as well as the objective conditions in which middle-level educational institutions find themselves, with a view to the incorporation (appropriation and use) of computer technologies in the teaching and learning processes.

In this way, the general objective was defined- Contribute to the knowledge of: A- the objective conditions, as well as the practices and representations of teachers, and B- the objective conditions (human and technological resources) in which the educational institutions of average level of the city of La Rioja, in relation to computer technologies and their use in teaching and learning processes.


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Author Biography

Susana Morales, National University of Córdoba, UNC

Degree in Social Communication (National University of Córdoba - Argentina). Doctor in Information Sciences (University of La Laguna - Spain). She develops her teaching work at the School of Information Sciences (UNC), as Adjunct Professor in Communication Theories III and Institutional Analysis I. Her research activity is aimed at techno-media appropriation in the educational field and in life daily life of popular sectors.

Participates in research as a member since 1988 and directs research accredited by research organizations since 2004. Among them: -2007- "Availability of equipment, practices and representations around computer media in teacher training", (National Agency for Science and Tecnología- Foncyt), -2008- "Young people from popular sectors and the media: appropriation practices in daily life" and -2012- "Media appropriation: availability and access to radio and television media (Secretariat of Science and Technology of the UNC).

She directs the Research Program «Techno-media appropriation for social inclusion». “Teaching with Technologies. New looks at teacher training ”(2011) is her most recent publication. She is a founding member and member of the Management Team of La Ranchada Community Radio.


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How to Cite

Morales, S. (2005). The incorporation of information technology in the teaching: a case study . Revista Latina de Comunicación Social, (60), 34–49.


