The small industrial company before the new social schemes: an approach to their internal communication activity




organizational communication, small enterprise, leadership, methodology, organizational climate, working environment.


The internal labor reality of small industrial companies has not been studied systematically, theoretically or empirically at the communication level, despite the advances in this matter sustained by both medium-sized and large corporations and multinationals.

Its traditional definition within the industrial production system has been maintained over time, coexisting today with a new social paradigm. What we are talking about is the existence of a large number of organizations of this type framed in an industrial social structure, but operating historically in a knowledge society, which makes it increasingly necessary to formally recognize their importance as economic forces in the world market, as well as the adaptation of its schemes to the new social demands of its members, through good communication management.

Starting from this base, the article is aimed at analyzing the communicative processes that occur within small industrial companies and explaining what is the human response to phenomena such as the work environment, the use and disuse of communication channels and the ways of communication. social configuration that are generated within them, through empirical studies that made possible the contrast of the different starting hypotheses.


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How to Cite

Mellado Ruiz, C. (2005). The small industrial company before the new social schemes: an approach to their internal communication activity. Revista Latina de Comunicación Social, (60), 95–121.


