The wars we never saw The role of television in war conflicts


  • Tatiana Millán Paredes University of Extremadura (UEX)



television, wars, Vietnam, Irak


The entry of television into the armed conflicts marked a before and a later in the way the world perceived them. If in the war of Vietnam television had its political and strategic consequences, many of them not controlled by the novelty of the environment, the war in Iraq has been bookmarked by the Internet. The Network has supposed, despite the lack of credibility with the that is born, the possibility of alternative sources of information. Television is still the first benchmark but the Internet supersedes it when it comes to convening and mobilization capacity. Along with all this, Al Jazeera is for the first time the counterpoint to the western versions.


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Author Biography

Tatiana Millán Paredes, University of Extremadura (UEX)

Tatiana Millán Paredes has a doctorate in Information Sciences, Degree in Journalism and Diploma in Sociology. She is specialized in the study of new technologies applied to television and its sociological consequences. She is the author of the books: “Great spaces technological & Large television gaps ”and“ From the hieroglyph to the emoticon: Forms of communication and writing ”.


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How to Cite

Millán Paredes, T. . (2005). The wars we never saw The role of television in war conflicts . Revista Latina de Comunicación Social, (60), 170–176.


