Digital journalism competences. Systematic review of the scientific literature on new professional profiles of the journalist




journalism; digital competences; professional profile; digital journalism; ethics in journalism


Introduction: The study undertakes an analysis of the scientific literature that has focused its interest on the training in new technologies for information professionals. With this purpose, the work limits the review to 119 indexed articles in the Web of Science (54) and Scopus (65) from 1998 until 2017. The objective of the study is to identify what are the technological competences most demanded by the industry, and which are the inalterable values of journalism. An exploration of the speculative corpus determines the following result: the professionals, the businessmen and the audiences agree on the continuity of quality journalism depends on the integration of three environments: the technological, the economic and that of the fundamental principles of the profession. The argument raise a theme where researchers must deepen how the universities can contribute to the improvement of journalism in these three areas.


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Author Biographies

Carmen Marta Lazo, University of Zaragoza. Spain

Full Professor of the Graduate Studies on Journalism. Department of General and Hispanic Lingüistic. Area of Journalism. Faculty of Philology and Letters. University of Zaragoza. Spain.

Jorge Miguel Rodríguez Rodríguez, San Jorge University. Zaragoza. Spain

Director of the Graduate Studies of Journalism. Faculty of Communication and Social Sciences. San Jorge University. Zaragoza

Sheila Peñalva, University of Huelva. Spain

PhD Communication Student. Department of Education. University of Huelva. Spain.


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How to Cite

Marta Lazo, Carmen, Jorge Miguel Rodríguez Rodríguez, and Sheila Peñalva. 2020. “Digital journalism competences. Systematic review of the scientific literature on new professional profiles of the journalist”. Revista Latina de Comunicación Social, no. 75 (February):53-68.


