The Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer hand program


  • James F. Willis García-Talavera University of La Laguna, Tenerife



cinema, Hollywood, Metro- Goldwyn-Mayer, program, advertisig


This is the first of a series of articles which analyze, from an interdisciplinary perspective, the course of one of Hollywood´s main producers and distributors, MGM, during the so-called Golden Years (1931/1941) using the program as a primary source of investigation. After a detailed study, the program reveals itself as a peculiar method of cinema advertising which, exceeding the limits of its original function, can become a model of art expression, structural advertising element, a visual file of lost images or real cult object for collectors.


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How to Cite

García-Talavera, James F. Willis. 2002. “The Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer hand program”. Revista Latina de Comunicación Social, no. 57 (January):76-89.


