Advertising and ethics: the path of self-regulation




Europa, España, Self-regulation, Ethics, Deontology, Advertising


No one doubts the legitimacy and importance of advertising discourse in our current societies. However, that same importance makes its regulation more and more necessary every day. The law has difficulties to carry out this regulation due to the peculiarities of advertising discourse, which makes an alternative route essential: self-regulation. In this sense, the article discusses the functions and advantages that self-regulation can bring in the field of advertising activity, also highlighting its increasing relevance.


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Author Biography

Hugo Aznar, Cardinal Herrera CEU University

Professor of Public Ethics and Communication and Professor of History of Modern Political Thought at the CEU Cardenal Herrera University. He has spent time at the University of York (Great Britain), the Federal University of Pernambuco (Brazil), the Centre for Legal and Social Research of the University of Cordoba (Argentina) and the European Institute of Florence (Italy). He has been Principal Investigator of more than 10 Internal University R+D+i Projects as well as 2 MICIN National Projects. His publications, in addition to numerous journal articles and book chapters, include Ética y periodismo (Paidós, 2000); Comunicación responsable (Ariel, 2011-3rd; translated into Portuguese), Pautas éticas para la comunicación social (FUSP, 2005) and Ética de la comunicación y nuevos retos sociales (Paidós, 2005). He has also coordinated the collective books Sobre la intimidad (FUSP, 1996), Deontología y autorregulación informativa (México, Fundación Manuel Buendía y U. Iberoamericana, 2000), De la democracia de masas a la democracia deliberativa (Ariel, 2014), De la polis a la metrópolis (Abada, 2015), La Generación del 14 (Plaza y Valdés, 2016), Ortega y el tiempo de las masas (Plaza y Valdés, 2018) and El derecho de acceso a los medios de comunicación (Tirant, 2018, 2 vols.). He has also edited and translated Libertad y prensa by W. Lippmann (Tecnos, 2011). For this extensive research work he has received several awards, such as the 10th edition of the Premios a la Investigación sobre Comunicación de Masas del Consejo Audiovisual de Cataluña (1998) and the Ángel Herrera de Investigación en Ciencias Sociales y Jurídicas (2001). He has also won several journalism awards: the 34th edition of the Manos Unidas Press Award (2014) and the 2nd edition of the Miramar Award, from the Malaga Bar Association (2017); as well as for short essays: the 38th edition of the Enrique Ferrán Award from the Journal of Culture and Philosophy El Ciervo (2014). Since 2016 he has been a member of the Commission for Arbitration, Complaints and Ethics of the FAPE (Federation of Spanish Journalists' Associations).


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Aznar, H. (1999b): Ética y periodismo. Barcelona: Paidós.

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Galbraith, J. K. (1984): La sociedad opulenta. Barcelona: Planeta-De Agostini.

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Lipovetsky, G. (1990): El imperio de lo efímero. La moda y su destino en las sociedades modernas. Barcelona: Anagrama.

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Mattelart, A. (1991): La publicidad. Barcelona: Paidós.

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How to Cite

Aznar, Hugo. 2000. “Advertising and ethics: the path of self-regulation”. Revista Latina de Comunicación Social, no. 55 (January):1-7.


