Magallanes: building the hero
Hero, myth, Magellan, circumnavigation of the globeAbstract
Introduction. The world of yesterday, as with that of today, needs references. Building heroes, figures elevated to the status of extraordinary beings, responds to that human need to know that there have been others who achieved great things before them. Methodology. In this paper, a qualitative method based on an established model, i.e. that of the hero’s journey, was employed, along with an ad hoc tool with a number of supplementary variables relating to the morphological and functional attributes of the hero. Results. Two literary works were reviewed with an eye to detecting the principal mechanisms used to convert Magellan into the hero of the first circumnavigation of the globe. Discussion and conclusions. In light of the above considerations, Magellan was lionised from the moment that he embarked on his adventure. Antonio Pigafetta, the chronicler accompanying him, was responsible for making him into a hero in his writings, due to the admiration that he felt for him, while paving the way for others who would follow in the navigator’s footsteps.
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