Fact-checking in TikTok. Communication and narrative forms to combat misinformation
Verification journalism, Misinformation, Fact-checking, Fake-news, New narratives, TikTok, Ephemeral communicationAbstract
Introduction. Since 2020 TikTok has become a trending social network on a global scale. From being initially a platform for teenagers, it has become a digital environment where highly stimulating and visual ephemeral communication reigns. Today it brings together a wide range of broadcasters, including the media and journalists. And as in other social networks, in a context of hyperconnectivity, false information is easily viralized, thus complicating the development of disinformation. Methodology. Based on a triangulation of qualitative and quantitative techniques, such as case studies, content analysis, in-depth interviews and surveys, the communication of fact-checkers with an active profile in TikTok is analyzed in order to determine the keys to disprove hoaxes and fight against disinformation in such a particular social network, where users apparently go to have fun and distract themselves. Discussion and conclusions. It is evident not only the relevance but the need for media, journalists and specifically verification media, to carry out their work through new scenarios such as TikTok, not only to ensure an increased reach of the message to new audience segments, but as an innovative process to attack the phenomenon of disinformation, fake news and speculation increasingly decentralized through digital channels. TikTok has been a narrative challenge based on message synthesis and visual creativity.
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