Youth awareness against COVID-19 in Spain and Latin America: analysis of spots on YouTube




YouTube; COVID-19; young audiences; spot; preventive measures; advertising; health.


Introduction. The socio-health and economic consequences of COVID-19 led countries to adopt preventive communication strategies, broadcasted on social media to enhance their exposure. This research examines Spanish and Latin American audio-visual narratives (N=100) that aim at raising awareness among young people about COVID-19 and that were published between 1 September 2020 and 10 January 2021 on YouTube. Methodology. The methodology is mixed: qualitative, by analysing communicative, technical-narrative and affective-emotional variables; and quantitative, with a descriptive analysis of the data followed by ANOVA to identify existing differences. Results. Sixty-nine percent of the stories magnify the risks, 49% foster the subjects’ identification with what is being told, 33% encourage reflection when faced with a critical situation, and 31% frighten them with the death of relatives. Spanish stories seek to avoid events/parties, promote the use of masks and comply with all health regulations. Latin American ones emphasise social distance, hygiene habits and adherence to quarantine rules. Spain prioritises attitude-based stories aimed at modifying behaviours, while Latin America prioritises procedure-based stories by showing healthy practices. Anonymous citizens, people affected by the virus, singers or health professionals, aged 18 to 35, starred in the Spanish stories, while communicators, footballers or famous personalities, aged 35 to 65, starred in the Latin American ones. Conclusions. The cultural factors shared between Spain and Latin America are reflected in the homogeneity of the narratives regarding affective-emotional variables. Youth portrayal is polarized: either positive models are emphasised, or rule-breakers are highlighted.


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Author Biographies

Maria Esther Del-Moral-Pérez, The University of Oviedo

Full university professor. She teaches ICT applied to Education. Faculty of Teacher Training and Education. The University of Oviedo (Spain). She has 4 six-year research periods. She coordinates the TECN@ Research Group: Technology and Learning. She is the main researcher of Competitive Projects, author of impact articles in prestigious journals. Research Areas: e-learning, digital literacy, TV and childhood, video games, social networks, augmented reality, digital apps, etc. She did research stays in: Calgary (Canada), Poitiers (France), Freiburg (Germany), ITD Genoa (Italy). She taught courses at Ibero-American universities (Chile, Mexico, and Peru).

Maria del Carmen Bellver-Moreno, The University of Valencia

Associate Professor. Faculty of Philosophy and Educational Sciences. The University of Valencia (Spain). Research lines: creativity, social networks, and ICT and education, adolescence, and youth. She has 1 six-year research period. She has carried out research and teaching stays in Québec (Canada), Florence (Italy), and Sántarem (Portugal). She has participated as a researcher in competitive projects and impact publications.

Alba Guzman-Duque, Technology Units of Santander

Doctor in IT of Organizations. She is the leader of the Research group in Socioeconomic and Business Sciences GICSE in Colombia and a professor of Business Administration in courses related to the use of Virtual Simulators. Research Areas: Use of IT in Organizations and Education, Innovation, Entrepreneurship, Competitiveness, Productivity, Quality of Higher Education, and Research-Creation.

Nerea López-Bouzas, The University of Oviedo

Teacher of Early Childhood Education from the University of Oviedo. She is a student of the University Master's Degree in Research and Innovation in Early Childhood and Primary Education. Collaboration Scholar with the Department of Education Sciences. Member of the TECN@ research group. Research lines focused on the integration of technological resources in the teaching-learning process, digital apps, analysis of audiovisual narratives, etc.


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How to Cite

Del-Moral-Pérez, Maria Esther, Maria del Carmen Bellver-Moreno, Alba Guzman-Duque, and Nerea López-Bouzas. 2021. “Youth awareness against COVID-19 in Spain and Latin America: analysis of spots on YouTube”. Revista Latina de Comunicación Social, no. 79 (July):23-49.



Social networks, millenials and centennials: usage and content consumption habit