Tackling disinformation with media literacy: analysis of trends in the European Union





disinformation, media literacy, democracy, vulnerable target groups, trends, Europe, Spain


Introduction: Disinformation has become a key problem for contemporary democratic societies. To tackle this threat, public authorities in many countries have launched various legal, technological and educational initiatives. This article provides a literature and legislative review, which shows the growing importance given by the European Union to media literacy. Methodology: European and EU country reports and legal texts are examined, in order to assess the degree of relevance assigned to media literacy to tackle misinformation. Results: The analysis confirms a widespread presence of media literacy as one of the necessary measures to combat disinformation in the European territory. Discussion and Conclusions: Beyond mere technological and legal solutions to tackle disinformation, this article finds that the European Union is committed to making citizens co-responsible, through policies to promote media literacy. In short, a model for acting against disinformation based on a set of multilevel solutions is consolidated.


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Author Biographies

Charo Sádaba, Universidad de Navarra

Professor at the Faculty of Communication of the Universidad de Navarra. Since 2000, she has been researching the relationship between children and adolescents with technology. She has participated in numerous national and international competitive research projects, among which POSCON stands out, a thematic action that sought to establish the foundations for the creation of safe and positive spaces for minors online. She was also part of the Generaciones Interactivas project, promoted by Telefónica Internacional between 2007 and 2012, which surveyed more than 200,000 minors in nine countries. She is an independent expert for the Safer Internet program of the European Union.

Ramón Salaverría, Universidad de Navarra

Professor of Journalism at the Universidad de Navarra, where he is chief researcher of the Digital News Media Research Group. Specialized in research on journalism in digital media, he is currently the chief researcher of the projects ‘IBERIFIER – Iberian Digital Media Research and Fact-Checking Hub’ (2021-2024), funded by the European Commission, and ‘RRSSalud – Dynamics of diffusion of fake news about health in social networks’ (2020-2022), financed by the BBVA Foundation. He has been a visiting researcher at the Digital Media Research Program at the University of Texas at Austin (USA), as well as a visiting professor at a dozen universities in various countries. At the international level, he has been chair of the Journalism Studies Section of ECREA.


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How to Cite

Sádaba, C. ., & Salaverría, R. (2023). Tackling disinformation with media literacy: analysis of trends in the European Union. Revista Latina de Comunicación Social, (81), 1–17. https://doi.org/10.4185/RLCS-2023-1552


