Call for protest through Instagram, a socio-cognitive analysis of discursive strategies in the context of the social movement in Chile (2019-2020)




Discursive strategy; Political Communication; Ideology; Metaphor; Social movements; Instagram; Protest.


Introduction: The article presents preliminary results of a pilot study framed in an investigation on discursive strategies in the construction of texts calling for protest sessions, propagated on social networks, during the course of social mobilization in Chile (2019-2020). From a sociocognitive dimension, the ideological and metaphorical resources deployed discursively through Instagram, an emerging platform in the field of political communication, are addressed. Methodology: With a qualitative design of descriptive scope, a corpus of multimodal texts is analyzed, selected from a citizen-based account, of a counter-informative nature, that during the social outbreak (between October 18, 2019 and March 18, 2020 ), had a greater number of followers. Results: Categories that define the ideological discourse of the movement are identified, as well as the ways of understanding the political processes and actors participating in the movement based on the use of certain conceptual metaphors. Discussion and conclusions: the results, together with characterizing a cognitive dimension of the protest call genre, allow an approach to the configuration of resistant discourses that transcend the mere call, to articulate other frameworks of collective interpretation linked to the processes of social change. The discursive categories analyzed reveal the persistence of a solidarity and street struggle, which positions the movement as a key actor in the political debate, whose values ​​and principles stress and dispute the supremacy of the hegemonic political value structure.


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Author Biographies

Mauricio Alarcón Silva, Universidad de La Frontera

Sociologist, Master’s Degree in Local and Regional Human Development from the Universidad de La Frontera. Candidate for a Ph.D. in Communication from the Universidad de La Frontera and the Universidad Austral de Chile. Doctoral fellow, National Agency for Research and Development (ANID). He develops his doctoral thesis which addresses the discursive strategies for convening protests within the framework of social mobilization in Chile. Research Areas, Social Movements, Critical Discourse Analysis.

Camila Cárdenas Neira, Universidad Austral

Professor of Language and Communication, Master’s Degree in Communication, and Ph.D. in Translation and Language Sciences. She currently works as an academic at the Institute of Social Communication of the Universidad Austral de Chile, and in parallel, she carries out a postdoctoral research stay as a member of the Center in Multilingualism, Communication, and Discourse (MIRCo) of the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid. Her research areas encompass Critical Discourse Studies and Social Semiotics, and she specializes in the analysis of multimodal protest discourses on social networks.


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How to Cite

Alarcón Silva, M., & Cárdenas Neira, C. . (2021). Call for protest through Instagram, a socio-cognitive analysis of discursive strategies in the context of the social movement in Chile (2019-2020). Revista Latina de Comunicación Social, (79), 127–149.



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