The incidence of age and gender on social media usage habits in the journalism profession. The case of centennials and millennials




journalists, gender, social networks, millennials, centennials.


Social networks have revolutionized the way information is consumed, but also the way in which journalism adapts to new audiences and new ways of accessing information.  To find out how these social applications are used from within the media, a questionnaire was prepared from a gender perspective, and applied to media professionals in the Basque Country, differentiating between age groups, with special emphasis on the centennial and millennial generations.  The results of the more than 500 surveys show us a panorama where the use of social networks is fully established in the newsrooms of the media but where we do not find special generational biases in the use of the main social tools.  Women journalists are the ones who mostly use social networks and the most used are Twitter, Facebook and Instagram to the detriment of others such as Telegram, Linkedin or different audiovisual resources. Lack of knowledge and distrust are the main causes of the primacy of some over others.


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Author Biographies

María Ganzabal Learreta , Universidad del País Vasco

María Ganzabal, Ph.D. since 1996, has been, since 2003, a professor both in the Department of Audiovisual Communication and, since 2009, in the Department of Journalism at the Universidad del País Vasco. After working in several Communication Agencies and the American magazine New Woman (New York), she has been the coordinator of the Communication Area of the Master of Feminist and Gender Studies at the Universidad del País Vasco and has taught in this postgraduate course since 2008. Her studies in multiple research teams have always been oriented towards digital journalism, social platforms, participatory journalism, audiences, and social issues besides those related to gender. Her articles on these aspects can be seen published in journals with a high impact index.

Koldobika Meso Ayerdi, Universidad del País Vasco

Currently, he is an associate professor at the Faculty of Social Sciences and Communication of the Universidad del País Vasco, where he teaches the subjects Cyberjournalistic Writing and Theoretical Bases and Research Methodology in Cyber-journalism, the latter in the Master of Social Research of the UPV/EHU. He has also taught subjects such as Media Models and Introduction to Internet Journalism (in the Virtual Campus). He is the author of several books on Internet journalism and has published more than forty articles on the subject in prestigious indexed journals. He is also the co-author of a manual on the subject of Cyberjournalistic Writing. Currently, he is the director of the Department of Journalism of the UPV-EHU and co-directs the project "Active audiences and viralization and transformation of journalistic messages" (CSO2015-64955-C4-4-R), funded by the National Plan of R+D+I, from the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness, and by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF). He is also a member of the consolidated research group Gureiker.

Jesús Ángel Perez Dasilva, Universidad del País Vasco

Professor in the Department of Journalism of the Faculty of Social Sciences and Communication of the Universidad del País Vasco. He is a member of the Gureiker research group (group A of the Basque university system). He has participated in 20 research projects, being the chief researcher in 5 of them. He is the co-author of 46 scientific articles, 32 book chapters, and 70 contributions to national and international conferences. He has 3 six-year terms recognized by the CNEAI. His lines of research focus on the digital transformation of journalism. His latest works are related to the audience, interactivity, and social networks

Terese Mendiguren Galdospín, Universidad del País Vasco

Terese Mendiguren has a Ph.D. in Information Sciences from the Universidad del País Vasco and a BA in Audiovisual Communication. She teaches in the degree in Journalism at the UPV/EHU, in the Master in Multimedia Journalism at El Correo, and in the Master in Multimedia Communication at EITB. She is Vice Dean of Communication and External Relations of the Faculty of Social Sciences and Communication. As a researcher, she has participated in 15 research projects and has published around twenty articles in prestigious academic journals included in databases such as JCR or SCOPUS. She has also given conferences related to educational innovation or participatory journalism. She is currently a member of the project "News, networks, and users in the hybrid media system" funded by the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness and the consolidated Gureiker research group. In her professional life, she has worked as an editor and program coordinator for ETB and Bilbovisión, the latter channel where she has also served as a reporter, broadcaster, and presenter for various entertainment and cultural spaces.


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How to Cite

Ganzabal Learreta , M. ., Meso Ayerdi, K. ., Perez Dasilva, J. Ángel ., & Mendiguren Galdospín, T. (2021). The incidence of age and gender on social media usage habits in the journalism profession. The case of centennials and millennials. Revista Latina de Comunicación Social, (79), 91–116.



Social networks, millenials and centennials: usage and content consumption habit

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