The platformization of institutional political communication. The use of WhatsApp by local administrations
political communication; institutional communication; city councils; mobile instant messaging services; WhatsApp; platformization, political communication, institutional communication, city councils, mobile instant messaging services, WhatsApp, platformizationAbstract
Introduction: In recent years, digital platforms, especially mobile instant messaging services such as WhatsApp, have become essential tools for local administrations. Changes in the habits of the population, more likely to carry out their procedures through mobile devices, but also the possibility that these platforms offer to promote direct and immediate communication have made city councils see in them a way to improve relations with the citizens. Our objective is to analyse the characteristics, uses and functions that local institutions confer on their mobile instant messaging services to communicate with citizens. Methodology: A qualitative analysis has been carried out through in-depth interviews with eighteen municipalities, selected based on their number of inhabitants. Results: The results show an overview of the uses of WhatsApp by local administrations. This makes it possible to identify the motivations and objectives in its implementation, its characteristics in relation to its contents and planning and its future challenges. Conclusion and discussion: The findings of this research show that WhatsApp is fully established in the local administrations. However, its use is not capable of taking advantage of all the potentialities of the digital environment, especially due to the lack of dialogue with citizens and solid strategic planning.
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