Redes sociales, millenials y centennials: Hábitos de uso y consumo de contenido en la actualidad | 01 junio de 2021


  • Coordinadores:
  • Dra. Carmen Peñafiel-Saiz
  • Dr. David Caldevilla-Domínguez
  • Dr. Ismael López Medel


Social networks, Millennials and Centennials: Habits of Use and Consumption of Content Today
Social networks are the most characteristic form of communication of the 21st century. Thanks to them,
urban "tribes" distinguish themselves, find and develop their signs of identity, and generate new metasemiotic
languages that populate, sometimes ephemerally, the socio-cultural panorama. We will specify
in two generations that they are currently accessing political and economic power in the world. Thanks to
them as a transmitting vehicle and as a constituent of their DNA, millennials or millennials (also known as
Generation Y, because it goes chronologically between X and Z), born between the early 80s and the mid-
90s - which is equivalent to 22% of the world population. Although only those born in the first and second
world are usually counted in practice, they are those before digital natives compared to previous
generations formed by what we can consider being 'digital dinosaurs'.

After this millennial Generation, there are the centennials or post-millennials (also known as Generation
Z) born between the mid-90s and the mid-2000s. They are the firstborn in the 21st century and the 3rd
millennium, and they suppose 23% of the world's population. They can be considered the first digital
native Generation since they have begun their cognitive development surrounded by the most diverse
computer gadgets and can be regarded as communicating almost exclusively through zeros and ones.
This RLCS monograph is offered to delve into such relevant questions as: What is their future? What
changes do they advocate, and what model of society do they advocate for? How to face your new vade
mecum of values and culture? ... That is, RLCS suggests that the authors act as a microscope of these two
generations in terms of their internal or external identity group relationships and, finally, their nature,
values, and position in this everchanging world.
Keywords: millennials, centennials, digital skills, new consumption, 21st-century communication.

Deadline: June 1st, 2021


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How to Cite

Coordinadores:, Peñafiel-Saiz, C. ., Caldevilla-Domínguez, D. ., & López Medel, I. . (2021). Redes sociales, millenials y centennials: Hábitos de uso y consumo de contenido en la actualidad | 01 junio de 2021. Revista Latina de Comunicación Social, (79). Retrieved from



Social networks, millenials and centennials: usage and content consumption habit

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