Infographics: Typologies




Infographics, Typology, Verbal language, Visual language, Information, Dissemination, Styles


Presented here is a review of the typology presented in one of the first numbers of "LATINA" ("Types or styles of infographics", nº12, 1998).


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Author Biography

Raymond Colle, Diego Portales University

Bachelor of Moral and Religious Sciences, Catholic University of Louvain, Belgium, 1969

Systems Analyst, CIISA, Santiago de Chile, 1991

Doctor of Information Sciences, University of La Laguna, Tenerife, Spain, 1999

Academic of the School of Journalism, Pontifical Catholic University , Santiago de Chile, 1979-2002

Academic of the School of Multimedia Communication, Faculty of Communication, Diego Portales University, Santiago de Chile, 2002-2004

Webmaster of the Faculty of Communication, creator and director of the hyper magazine Temas de Tecnología Digitales de Comunicación, University Diego Portales, Santiago de Chile, 2000-2004

Coordinator of the Digital Technologies Area, Center for Media Studies, Faculty of Communication, Diego Portales University, Santiago de Chile, 2000-2003

Main courses given: Information processing, Content analysis, Initiation to computing, The image as a means of knowledge

Author, among others, of the following books:

- Systemic cognitive theory of communication, Santiago de Chile: San Pablo, 2002, 392 p. (Summary in PDF) - Exploit the news information

- Data Mining in Journalism, Madrid: Complutense University, 2002, 266 p.

- To report on the WWW: Principles and foundations of website design, Santiago de Chile: Centro de Estudios Mediales, Universidad Diego Portales, 2001, 362 p.

- Initiation to the language of the image, Santiago de Chile: Universidad Católica, 1993, 201 p.

- Journalistic documentation: Principles and applications, Santiago de Chile: Universidad Católica, 1992, 181 p - Introductory course to social communication, Santiago de Chile: CENCOSEP, 2nd ed. 1991, 170 p.

- Information technologies, Santiago de Chile: School of Journalism, UC, 1989, 190 p.

More details on your site personal web.

  • Chaos theory, cognitivism and semantics, nº 3, March 1998.
  • Future of communication and knowledge, nº 5, May 1998.
  • The factual dimension of discourse and its evaluation, nº 10, oct. 1998.
  • Types or styles of infographers, nº 12, dec. 1998.
  • Dynamic ideography, No. 17, May 1999.
  • News Logical Analysis, No. 27, March 2000.
  • Design principles for the WWW, No. 29 May 2000.
  • Internet: a sick body and a battlefield, No. 30, June 2000.T
  • The Scientific Spirit Facing the Sensational Challenge - Guide for Journalists, No. 45, Dec.2001
  • Internet: A Network to Capture Hostages ?, No. 46, January 2002.
  • Reflections on the University in the Information Age, No. 53 , January 2003.
  • Teleinformatics and cultural hegemony, No. 54, February-March 2003.
  • The "mediation" of expression systems and computer intervention, No. 55, April - June 2003
  • Infography: Typologies, No. 58, July-September 2004.
  • The semiotic process, in a cognitive approach, nº 60, July-December 2005.
  • How to build a hypernovela, nº 63, 2008.



How to Cite

Colle, R. (2004). Infographics: Typologies. Revista Latina de Comunicación Social, (59), 230–248.


